Korol Prinz

Был в сети 11:52:28 25.03.2024 с iphone
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 23 Марта
Пол: Мужской
Город: London
Skype: Dukeprinz
VK: korolprinz
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Works For Belgorod State Agricultural Academy Music Group, De Skull Entertainment And Music Production Industry
Интересы: Listen To Music, Writing Of Rap, Singing, Dancing, Traveling, Shopping, Baseball, Playing Video Games, Scrabble, Chatting With Girls, Watching Movies
Любимые фильмы: Sex And The City, Love Don't Cos A Thing, Titanic, Man In The Iron Mask, Romeo And Juliet
Любимые телешоу: Know How Show, Opera, American Idols, Tyra Banks
Любимые книги: As You Like It, Romeo and Julliet, The Arrow Of God, Kongi's Harvest
Любимые игры: Soccer, Long Tennis, Ping Pong, Basketball, Rugby
О себе: I would hate to bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives. I am sure that you have already found this about two hundred times in all the other profiles. I believe that words are cheap, but actions speak much louder, so why bother? So, why not start with a bad stuff – I am impulsive and restless at times, I can’t kill a fly, I cried twice like a girl when I watched “Notebook,” I cuss too often, and stay up way too late way too often. There is something about the nighttime that I find magic, if you will, which keeps me up working or hanging out aimlessly. Can you relate? I have little patience for flakes and fake people – those who smile while being angry on the inside, as I never know what they keep up their sleeve. How about you? What annoyed you today? And what made you weak in your knees from joy and pleasure?
Любимые цитаты:
1. A man in luv is incomplete until he's married.. 2. No woman is worth more than a fiver unless you're in luv with her. Then she's worth all she costs u. 3. The sound of a kiss is not so loud as a cannon,but its echo lasts a great deal longer. 4. Hopeless romantics are only hopeless in the eyes of those who don't believe in romance. 5. We should all be so lucky 2 have someone who will never let us go. 6. The ultimate legacy is 2 leave behind someone who will not luv u 4ever. 7. In the arithmetic of luv,1 plus 1 equals everything and 2 minus 1 equals nothing. 8. They say luv is contagious just like a smile. 9. Luv conquers all things except poverty and toothache. 10. Luv is born of faith,lives on hope and dies of charity. 11. It is better 2 have luved and lost than never 2 luv at all. 12. The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze. 13. Luv is something eternal. The aspect may change,but not the essence. 14. Hate can't end hate luv does.

Друзья пользователя

Алёна ПетряковаАлександр МомликDj KemikaalsИришка УсачёваИлья ГончаренкоИван ШульгаЮля АнюнинаIsaac NyКонстантин МелиховЖеня ДубровскийДмитрий ПетряковЕвгений ВикторовичСветлана ПушкинаКатерина ШаминаАлександр ЗаболотскийКсения РабощукВиктор СопинАлександр БарановДмитрий АлмазовЯна АлександровнаМария НауменкоСергей ДеменюковЮлия КузьменкоЮлия ТулуповаЕвгений ЩербининСергей КутомановДмитрий ШеенкоЮлия ОксененкоНаталья ФилиппенкоИринка МордашкинаВиктория ЗагорскаяСергей РеутовJuan Ndong nsibi omogoMba Cristino joseАлексей ЮковАлена ИвановаUmitjan PermanovМарина МаркинаКристина КачуроваFuad ZiblimРегина АфанасьеваЛюдмила ПодопригораEmmanuel Asare kyeremehOpoku MensahSerdar AbdyllayewОксана МедведеваТимур РозымовСветлана СоколоваСтас КорабельниковАлёна ЖурбенкоИван КузыкПарахат КакышовРоман РашкевичВиктор ГолевМарина АлленPatrick BoatengFrancis WireduЕлена ФинскаяАнастасия СоловьеваЭркин РозыевНаталья ЩеблыкинаЕвгений ЗалесовЛена АнчутинаДарья ГельмBryan VanderpuyeBismark ArhinЕвгений ВасильевКерим АкыевСердар ИшанкуловСергей ВладимировичJomartow NepesГильермо ЭрнандесИгорь КуделевскийПавел ХворостяныйНиколай ПономаренкоВиктория ЛопатинаJose-Quenelmo Nve-SimaЖеня ПетренкоЭва ЭваИван ПодлесныйΑлина ΚнязеваHip-Hop TeamDalmacio Esono-Mba-NchamaДавид МехияТаха РозымовRaymond GharteyТахир АмановПерхат АмановMarlon LuzayamoАлександр ГоловкинРикардо ХойаЖдана ПоляковаКамран СалаевΠолина ΚалининаНика БирюковаИван КузыкLester BesaАлександр РужниковChristian Ysaac Orihuela PizarroKwame BillЮля КрасноваМаксвелл КуджоеИван ВасильевВлад ГоринДарья АлексеевнаНаталья КовалеваStephen KumahDELETED Ульяна КонстантиноваЯна БабинцеваAlex VitalievichСветлана КулчарKeoma-Edu NchamaДарья Фролова

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