Marko Reznikov

Был в сети 10:43:03 20.05.2015 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 10 Сентября 1989
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: влюблён
Город: Николаев
VK: id285611898
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: коммунистические
Мировоззрение: Pastafarianism
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: наука и исследования
Отн. к курению: положительное
Отн. к алкоголю: положительное
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: Zeke’s father lost his job around the time he was finishing up the last year of highschool after having skipped three grades. The drama from his previous relationship caused both his parents to find excuses to hate his guts and they simply forced him into university. There he met his second partner, Typhon who took him to tons of parties. Their relationship turned abusive quickly and not knowing how to handle it, Zeke decided he'd be leaving the country. His parents started to fight and argue over everything and stopped sending Zeke to therapy all together because it cost too much. His father stayed on the couch for days at a time while his mother was out all day and night. She left the country to marry the CEO who’d employed her. His dad eventually became so depressed that he was incapacitated and Zeke finally came to America where he attempted to finish art school despite what his entire family told him about it. The last thing he did while in Finland was successfully convince a bunch of posers to burn down Porvoo Cathedral. Since then he hasn't heard a word from his immediate family and he's perfectly fine with that. He settled just fine in America, art school was easy as pie. The people he met there were actually intelligent and creative and they weren't all concerned with doing drugs and committing crimes. That was all Zeke had ever known. Inevitably, he fell back into that lifestyle but this time on his own. The first terrible decision he made in this new country with his new life was to get involved in the family drama of a cute thirteen year old girl. He had gotten kicked out of every place he was staying, he wasn't able to pay room and board. The girl wouldn't leave him alone and she insisted he stayed at her place. The only condition for him staying there without paying rent was for him to have sex with the girl's mother.
Любимые телешоу: This girl was named Maxilynn. Her parents were abusive and neglected her quite often. Zeke was frequently getting kicked out for intervening in their fights and it even got physical a couple of times. Max always figured how to sneak him in and once their relationship turned romantic her parents got rid of them both. They ended up homeless for months, hitchhiking and sleeping in parks with nothing but each other to keep warm. They panhandled for money to buy weed and one day they were convinced to buy something better. And it was better. More than that. It was cloud nine, it was a high exponentially magnified to the the awesome power of God’s voice, deafening the ears of anyone who stepped foot into the jagged treacherous hands of methamphetamine. The euphoria was great enough that it lasted for hours and hours but coming down was a whole other story. Zeke didn’t like that part of it at all which is why he just smoked more and more to avoid it. He kept a timer set to go off every six hours. He attempted to show up at school on even rarer occurrences. He grew further apart from all his art school friends as he got deeper into addiction and dropped out. They started to see less and less of him, and when they did see him he was too strung out to be around. Being around Zeke was described by his sober friends as depressing and pessimistic. He used every day, spent his time around people who used every day, people who generally just hated their lives and tried to make up for it with half baked morals. It was easy to tell he was using because he had nothing going for him. It became his only source of pleasure and happiness, he couldn’t get by a single day without his fix for fear of coming down and spiraling into a meltdown. Those are the actual tweakers, so many that they cohort around in groups and public locations where you’d find them. Some of them, like Max, were just kids who’d already dove in headfirst not knowing what they were getting into. And of course his delusions didn't help.
Любимые книги: Zeke somehow convinced Max to move to his home town in Ukraine saying they would get married there. What he didn't tell her was they would be living with his friend Veronika. This of course resulted in Max becoming a heroin addict. Their relationship became abusive on both their parts. Max would piss him off or he'd piss her off and she'd put out her cigarettes on him and he'd smack her. They both figured this resulted in great makeup sex until Zeke got so fed up with it he drugged her to death over time. She asked him to boil her up some heroin and instead he said he could make her something better, she agreed. Every day, he whipped up desomorphine, Krokodil. Her skin started to rot away and he left her in the hospital saying she only had a short while to live if she didn't get help. She's probably dead now. The only logical thing he could think of at that point was insisting Veronika join him and go Finland where they got an apartment. One night Zeke was sitting in the town square watching the ships cross the Gulf of Finland long after the sun had set. He watched the people file out of one of the ferries, one person snagged his attention. It was a man; definitely at least twenty, long brown hair that went past his shoulders in soft ringlets, leather jacket covered in patches, combat boots. Zeke approached him asking if the guy could buy him some booze since he wasn't the legal age. The guy agreed. The two loitered around the backstreets after scoring a bottle of Russian vodka and a pint of whiskey. The only things Zeke remembered was tumbling down a hill in their drunken stupor, that the boy's mother had abandoned him, and how unbelievably blue his eyes were. A year later, Zeke was seventeen. He'd tried surviving on the streets but eventually he couldn't take any more of it. He went to stay with his aunt in Hämeenlinna, Finland. She fed him, housed him, encouraged him to finish his schooling, and that's where he made his first friend. This ended up being the sister of the boy he'd been involved with in highschool. It was a small town. Their relationship started off strange, it was just like highschool where Mat totally disregarded Zeke's existence. He eventually came out of the closet, to no one's surprise, everything was okay for a while. They moved in together and that's when it got bad. Mathias was still abusive but now he was also an alcoholic which made it so much worse. Constant screaming fights, beatings, slamming doors, breaking things against walls. The police were told to show up on more than a few occasions but since they were both men, it was shrugged off and couldn't possibly be considered a domestic dispute. They both struggled to overcome their addictions but Zeke's friend Veronika convinced him to start smoking heroin. After smoking wasn't enough, he got to injecting. No matter how bad his fear of needles he would do it if she only just mentioned it. He ended up living with her and all he did was shoot up and sit around doing nothing. It became bad enough that he started squatting in abandoned buildings in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Serbia which are only occupied by the lower class. That's not to say there's any sort of middle class. Every week someone in his apartment is being buried or left to rot. He sells scraps of metal to pay for the ingredients to make Krokodil, only struggling to find someone to let him use their kitchen since Veronika refuses these days. He was estimated to have only one year left to live since his addiction started. Zeke was determined to become a decent person once he found the "right person". Instead he found his way a little differently by slicing his boyfriend's arm open during a psychotic episode. Zeke was taken into an institution, given medication to help his hallucinations and paranoia, and then finally they did a bilateral cingulotomy. They cut out a very small sliver of his brain to hopefully cure his schizophrenia and for the most part it works, but he is still taking Invega Sustenna, a monthly injection that is supposed to treat psychotic delusions. Since the lobotomy Zeke has immersed himself in learning all there is to know about the military and just about every war that ever happened. With his life free of drug use he plans to join the military just so he can blow himself up in front of a bunch of people.
Любимые игры: After smoking wasn't enough, he got to injecting. No matter how bad his fear of needles he would do it if she only just mentioned it. He ended up living with her and all he did was shoot up and sit around doing nothing. It became bad enough that he started squatting in abandoned buildings in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Serbia which are only occupied by the lower class. That's not to say there's any sort of middle class. Every week someone in his apartment is being buried or left to rot. He sells scraps of metal to pay for the ingredients to make Krokodil, only struggling to find someone to let him use their kitchen since Veronika refuses these days. He was estimated to have only one year left to live since his addiction started. Zeke was determined to become a decent person once he found the "right person". Instead he found his way a little differently by slicing his boyfriend's arm open during a psychotic episode. Zeke was taken into an institution, given medication to help his hallucinations and paranoia, and then finally they did a bilateral cingulotomy. They cut out a very small sliver of his brain to hopefully cure his schizophrenia and for the most part it works, but he is still taking Invega Sustenna, a monthly injection that is supposed to treat psychotic delusions. Since the lobotomy Zeke has immersed himself in learning all there is to know about the military and just about every war that ever happened. With his life free of drug use he plans to join the military just so he can blow himself up in front of a bunch of people.

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