Chris Jones

Был в сети 13:29:56 24.11.2014 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 20 Апреля
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: женат
Город: Edinburgh
VK: chrisjonesvocal
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: консервативные
Личные интересы
Деятельность: I write songs and then I sing songs
Интересы: Music, football
Любимые фильмы: Prison Break, Gavin and Stacy, Mock The Week
Любимые игры: football
О себе: For many of us, music is a form of entertainment that we enjoy in our spare time, but for some of us, its a way of life, and for Chris Jones, truer words have never been spoken. His love for music was discovered at a young age, when Chris and a school pal began writing music together, and through this, a group was formed. Songs were written, performances were local, and as there music developed, then the gigs grew to a national level, and they began touring the UK. Coming from a rock background, Chris decided upon acoustic rock as his platform, and began working with a number of talented and well respected producers. Through these projects, Chris started to develop his writing skills, and began creating songs at an amazing rate, and matured quickly as a solo artist. What came next would change Chris' life forever, and it came via the form of Roger Shah (FKA DJ Shah), via a message on Chris' My Space page. Roger had found Chris on My Space, was intrigued by his voice, and after a few conversations back and forth, the foundations of the massive hit "Going Wrong" was born. After the track was finished, "Going Wrong" was scheduled to be released on Rogers new "Songbook" album, yet this was just the beginning of their new friendship and working relationship. Once the number 1 DJ in the world (Armin van Buuren) was presented with the track by Roger, Armin had his own plans in mind for this vocal titan, and was set to appear on Armin's upcoming album "Imagine" on Armada. April 19th 2008 is a date that will always stick out in Chris' mind, as this was the day that he and Roger Shah unforgettably performed "Going Wrong" live with Armin at Armin only in Uttrecht Holland, in front of 20,000 fans. You could barely hear the music, as the 20,000 adoring fans sang along to the number 1 dance track on charts around the world. This also began the "Imagine" tour for Chris, as he traveled the world with Armin and continued to perform live in Melbourne, Sydney, Romania, Poland, Belguim and the America's. The name Chris Jones began to grow as the performances commenced, and the thousands of partygoers continued singing the praises of "Going Wrong". As the relationships develop between Roger and Chris, and the international dates continue to grow, so does the personal / working relationship of the two as they begin the task of producing a double artist album in 2009. The many trips abroad, plus the hours of studio time in Roger's studio in Germany, not only increases the work flow, but strengthens their friendship further. Not a day goes by when Chris does not thank the support and friendship that both Roger and Armin have shown him, and looks forward to another yet even bigger year ahead. 2008 Highlights: - Meeting Roger Shah on My Space and the journey begins - Performing live with Roger Shah at "Armin Only" with Armin van Buuren in front of 20,000 people in Holland - Meeting & working with Armin van Buuren - Performing with Armin van Buuren on his international "Imagine" Tour all over the world - Touring and performing around the globe with Roger Shah for thousands of fans - "Going Wrong" was voted in the top 14 of "A State of Trance" Top 100 of 2008 with Armin van Buuren - NYE in LA with Armin at "Armin Only" in front of 40,000 people To know more visit my:
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Don't think twice it's alright

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