Joel Zimmerman

Был в сети 22:54:35 20.03.2017 с браузера
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Пол: Мужской
Город: Ontario
VK: id116131122
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: I believe in God
Личные интересы
Деятельность: DJ, the producer*Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
Интересы: *Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
Любимые фильмы: *Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
Любимые телешоу: *Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
Любимые книги: *Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
Любимые игры: *Deadmau5**Deadmau5, Deadmau, Deadmau 5, Deadmouse, Deadmou5, ltlvfec, ltlvfe5, DM5, Halcyon441, BSOD, WTF?, Mellefresh, Kaskade, MC Flipside, Calvin Harris, Moguai, Michael Woods, Chris Lake, Sofi Toufa, Skrillex*
О себе: Joel Zimmerman (On January, 5th 1981), more known as Deadmau5 - the Canadian DJ and the producer in style progressive, electro and house. However, itself Deadmau5 categorically against any classification of genres in which he plays. Pseudonym Deadmau5 has been thought up, when Zimmerman, replacing a video card, has found out the dead mouse in the computer. He has informed on it to people in a chat and that guy with the dead mouse »(English that dead mouse guy) became known there as«. After that it has reduced a pseudonym at first to Dead Mouse, and then to Deadmau5. The original scenic suit is applied on world renowned pseudonym Deadmau5 in the form of a huge head of the smiling mouse which Zimmerman has thought up itself on motives of a logo 3D programs also. First such mask at the desire of Deadmau5 was created by firm from Toronto, engaged in scenery for films. Deadmau5 recollects: "When I for the first time left to act in it, public was in a shock. They, probably thought: who is such? It that, seriously? But have quickly relaxed. And when the helmet has started to blink in a step to bit - in general have terrified". And after all dancing music often accuse of a theatricality lack - but it not about Deadmau5! It is not believed at all, that else in 2006 Deadmau5 was absolutely unknown. From childhood Deadmau5 was on computers. To unite technics with music it has begun still before itself began to play - working on where each acting wished to receive record after a concert. Deadmau5 was one of the few who coped with the computer. "All of them were called to musicians but when speech came about the technician - here I was on the ball, and they - historically somewhere as dinosaurs. I already knew all about digital audio and how on the computer it is possible to create music". However, Deadmau5 never ceased to be гиком. Already being the actor, it continued to work as the web developer. On shows Deadmau5 uses basically with own hand written programs. By the way at biography Deadmau5 there is a fact of participation in application programming Touch Mix for iPhone! By the way, at that time future Deadmau5 at all did not see itself on a scene: "I dreamt to be the producer, but I would like to untwist other actors. Everything, that I wrote was faster than a hobby". The first release has taken place at Deadmau5 in 2006, the truth, it was faster a joke: joint with Steve Duda a track under pseudonym B.S.O.D. (‘ blue screen of death ’). In the course of a joke have not considered one: the house-bit with a digital voice has occupied top Beatport chart. Then Deadmau5 and Steve Duda have decided, that while these jokes will bring money it is possible and to fool about. Also have made the whole album,even Christina Agileru. But when money has ended, Steve Duda has returned in Los Angelas. "It is possible, we still will write down together something on behalf of B.S.O.D." - speaks Deadmau5, - "Besides, we together write till now programs". Joel Zimmerman does not like to be called DJ. This Deadmau5 plays more likely not sets - and performances, lajf-show. Basically Deadmau5 executes own material, using own programs. "I do not put disks. If people have come on Deadmau5 have the right to listen to music Deadmau5". Hit of its track Faxing Berlin in hands Pete Tong in February, 2007 became the key moment which has affected launch of popularity Deadmau5. Ever since Deadmau5 began to let out one behind one digital singles, has created own label Mau5trap Recordings and has got at least on 15 dancing compilations for a year.
Любимые цитаты:
*Deadmau5* It is difficult to believe, that three years ago, joel was almost unknown. He has grown near to Niagara Falls, Ontario, in 75 miles to the southeast from Toronto. In the childhood it was on computers. When to it was 15, he has started to write "melodies of chips" - "it is musical compositions with use of chips from old computers", it explains. It "a melody of chips" was drawn by attention nju-threw musicians in Los Angeles. At that time musicians such as studied the approach to electronic sounds. joel as a result co-operates with group Mötley Crüe, Whether drummer Tommi where in 1999 let out rap metal an album "Methods Of Mayhem". Ten years they remain later friends, and also employees where in 2008 they have let out two singles Electro House of style - Chicken and Redic - under joint name WTF?.

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