Олег Бухарев

Был в сети 20:12:18 11.06.2024 с android
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Дата рождения: 27 Марта
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: есть подруга
VK: nyters
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Вдохновляют: Greg Plitt, Will Smith, Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Marina Mogilko
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Talent you have naturally, skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft. – Will Smith I love living, I think that's infectious, it's something that you can't fake. – Will Smith Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste - you know it's something that truly exists in all of us. It's very simple, this is what I believe and I'm willing to die for it. Period. It's that simple. And that's all I need to know, so from there you do what you need to do. I think what happens is we make this situation more complex than it has to be. – Will Smith I am angry. I am not where I want to be. I have so much to grow in my life. I don’t have so much fucking time. Why would I give today up? I am angry. I want it all, man. I wanna more than that. How you are going to get? I am willing to work for it. I work harder, harder and harder. – Greg Plitt When you find that burns during your lift, that’s the heat of transformation. That’s what changes everything for you. Don’t be so anxious to finish the set, once you get the burns, dwelling in it as long as you can. The longer that burns stay, the more changes you gonna have. That burn states will get you from where you are to where you want to be. – Greg Plitt The little things that you do every single day, that you choose to do, could be the little bit of better forms. All those little things, will adds up to be failure or success. You gotta create each one, every single day. – Greg Plitt Success doesn’t know these things about cold or early or tired. It just knows if you showed up or not. – Greg Plitt If you guys are really wondering if you are burning out mentally. Take a day off and go to your local hospital. Go to the cancer wing. Look at 4-year-old, who won’t ever see their teenage years, probably won’t ever see their next birthday. Go and see someone who is mentally or physically retarded, or see when a soldier who just came back from war who doesn’t have legs anymore. Stare that guy down. Look him right in the eyes and tell them, as you stand there with 2 capable legs, that you burned out. That you don’t want to use them. See if that doesn’t kill him right there. Because he would do anything to have that opportunity. – Greg Plitt The mind always fails first, not the body. The secret is to make your mind work for you, not against you.” – Greg Plitt I build a form, train, plan, constantly stay in war mode - because I don't want to be like most of the bastards who complain, don't want to do anything and have no goals. These lazy assholes can only sit on their ass and wait for their "perfect" time. I am ready to act now, despite the circumstances, no matter what happens, I am already on the move. When you are charged and moving towards the best - you will not be the one who just comments, but intends to go ahead, because you believe in what you are talking about. – Greg Plitt “I failed” is 10 times the man than “what if” because “what if” never went to the arena. – Greg Plitt Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym. – Greg Plitt Every action has a purpose. When every action has a purpose every action has a result. – Greg Plitt That’s Not Normal. Because We Don’t Want To Be Normal. Normality Is What Weak People Call Living. I Call It Death. – Greg Plitt

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