Основная информация Пол: Мужской Контакты Город: New York City VK: id118073416 | |
Личные интересы Деятельность: How would vym say)) I nelyublyu you all)).I have been singing!!.I have been singing!! Интересы: I like to ski on the deck, like to eat spaghetti and obazhayu sing and play guitar)).Music. Football. Computers. Любимые игры: basketboll footboll golf О себе: I very very good man!!!))and I am happy and beautiful boy!! I do not have a girl (( But I'm looking for her ...)) And so I am 16 years old I love to sing and play guitar )))))).I was born in Stratford, Ontario, Canada pravintsii March 1,1994 goda. Zanimatsya singing, I was recently a couple of years nazad.S two years I have begun to show interest in musical instruments,in the above privacy udarnye.Na of today' s the day I play the guitar,keyboards and drums. Besides music, I was keen futbolom.Hokkeem,golfing, basketbolom.Esche I'm good to sksteboard. as well as I have on YouTube,the online Internet movie Database, site Twwiter, on Myspace |