Саня Жамилев

Был в сети 16:23:34 14.07.2011 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 11 Июля 1993
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
Город: Кемерово
VK: id119755245
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: Православие
Личные интересы
Деятельность: In February-March 584 каган has attacked the rate of the Apa-khan and has exterminated its sort, Toremena was absent. Having learned about happened the Apa-khan ran to the Penalty-churin-Turki, джагбу Western Kaganata. Very quickly the Apa-khan could collect 100 000 armies, many khans have joined it. It is difficult to establish precisely as war moved ahead, but it is known that the Penalty-churin has quickly changed the sympathies and has reconciled with Put, каган also has reconciled with Put. The Apa-khan has been broken каганскими by armies, and абары have captivated his family. Left by allies, the Apa-khan ran on the south каганата in a fortress of Pajkend about Bukhara. Soon the Apa-khan has incited against itself local the population, and the Penalty-churin and каган have united armies for war with the Apa-khan. In 587 about Bukhara armies of the Apa-khan and incorporated forces каганата led by Young Souh-teginom (the son the Penalty-churina) and Chulohou (the brother кагана) have converged. Under the Persian version of the Apa-khan have seized and have thrown in a bag with bees, and under the Greek version he was killed in battle. All soldiers of the Apa-khan were killed in battle
Интересы: family. Left by allies, the Apa-khan ran on the south каганата in a fortress of Pajkend about Bukhara. Soon the Apa-khan has incited against itself local the population, and the Penalty-churin and каган have united armies for war with the Apa-khan. In 587 about Bukhara armies of the Apa-khan and incorporated forces каганата led by Young Souh-teginom (the son the Penalty-churina) and Chulohou (the brother кагана) have converged. Under the Persian version of the Apa-khan have seized and have thrown in a bag with bees, and under the Greek version he was killed in battle. All soldiers of the Apa-khan were killed in battle
Любимые фильмы: СТРИТРЕЙСЕРЫ
Любимые телешоу: НЕТУ
Любимые книги: НЕТУ
Любимые игры: НЕ ЛЮБЛЮ ИГРАТЬ
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