Ian-Joseph Somerhalder

Был в сети 23:27:59 04.11.2015 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 8 Декабря 1978
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: всё сложно
Город: New York City
Skype: http://vk.com/club23702532
VK: id124770354
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: Буддизм
Личные интересы
Деятельность: I`m an actor a lot of shooting in movie, engaged in modeling fast and individual solutions, producer
Интересы: Fishing, horse riding and swimming, yoga, relaxation with family in the Christmas holidays, baseball, archery, football and cycling, Travel, Tourism, jokes, humor, computer, pc, music, music, Internet communication, talk, sports, clubs, dance, beautiful girls, Vkontakte, vacation, holiday, cocktails, auto, home, car, rain, snow, nature, Mountains, Sunset, Dawn, fun, speed, swimming, table tennis, tennis, telephones, cellular telephones, English, German, French, Spanish, 5, orange juice, bowling, billiards, sea, summer, sun, poetry, singing, sing, speak, English, German, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian, adrenaline drive, but, no, no, great girls, day, hard, zhzhosh, life, dating, toys, 1, all different, swim, summer, mixes, milkshake, arrogance, pride, optimism, Relationships, separation, positive, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, cookies, friends, friends, popcorn, business, business on the Internet, 2, trade, theater, ballet, painting, photo, foto, photo, photoshop, student design, dance, poetry, children, countries, geography is different, mathematics, physics, biology, traffic jams, coins, numismatics, wood, poker, cards, girls, women, Yandex, Rambler, google, mail, mail, cooking, adventures, chat, forum, nude, naturalism, school, college, university, books, biographies, group, politics, architecture, history, correspondence, studio, construction, repair, education, work, career, magazines, comedy, horror, horror, fantasy, hockey, hobbies, hacking, hacking, hacking, 6, programming, seo, id13555100, vahe yeremyan, Pavel Durov, 3, Optimization, promotion, promotion, search, web design, web design, web money, dogs, cats, horses, ice skating, roller skating, skiing, hiking, night, morning reading, nature, summer fishing, ice fishing, hunting, belly dancing, sports cars, racing motorcycles, bikes, car, motorcycle, cycling, chess, bed, sex, sex, Sex, cars, acting, diamonds, basketball immortality, billiards, biography millionaires, blogs, wealth, 8, bowling, cycling, Venice, loyalty, opinion, influence, love, 4, look, the attention of others, the internal state, inner peace, enthusiasm, experience, higher mathematics, ties, genius, hypnosis, guitar, To give happiness, money, documentary films, darling, I, euro, dollar, entertainment, precious stones, friendship, exercise, bells, stars, Ibiza, hieroglyphs, innovation, aliens, intelligence, interest, intrigue, insight, information, artificial intelligence, art, Italian food, food, pictures, career, quality cinema, cybernetics, cyborgs, Cyprus, Team, commerce, comfort, advice, conferences, guf, Guf, PDAs, beautiful life, beauty, leader, leadership, personal growth, personal relationships, admire, love, Maldives, Mars, meditation, chocolate, million, millionaire, mlm, opinions, dots, fashion, modern, brain, IQ, motor, muscle, nanotechnology, napoleon, enjoy life, the inexplicable, the nervesKnow-how, charm, embrace it, online games, cs, elocution, residual income, openness, sensation, memory, paranormal, passive income, pathos, pedantry, landscape, change, public relations, plans, platinum, girlfriends, the subconscious, posing, positive thinking, 7, peace, printing, politics, enjoy the popularity ofAnd attempts, a foretaste, entrepreneurship, well spent time, nature, 9, attractiveness, sales, design, projects the opposite sex, psychedelics, psychology, void, travel, happiness, development, game development, rating, mind, sleep, sleep, coffee, kisses, shopping, a passion, Apple, laugh, tv, game, scents, flowers, movies, In movies, photo shoots, music, ipod, vk, etc
Любимые фильмы: Movie:'The Graduate' Which was filmed:Tournament(2009), How to Make Love to a Woman(2009), Vampire Diaries(2009), Fireball (2009), Wake(2009), Lost City Raiders(2008), Lost Samaritan(2008), Tell Me You Love Me(2007), Marco Polo(2007), The Movie(2006), Sensation of Sight(2006), Pulse(2006), Las cinco caras de David LaChapelle (2006), Lost(2006), Fearless(2004), Recess (2004), Old Man and the Studio(2004), Rules of Attraction(2002), Changing Hearts (2002), Life as a House(2001), Anatomy of a Hate Crime(2001), Now and Again(1999 - 2000), Celebrity (1998), Recess(2004).
Любимые телешоу: True Blood and Vampire Diaries. I always wanted to play a vampire. And then, when I blew my audition with Alan Ball and didn't get True Blood, I was so pissed. I couldn't watch that show until just recently, when I got The Vampire Diaries. I was so bummed.
Любимые книги: "The New Yorker" and "Reader's Digest"
Любимые игры: PC3 Blood Rane and the Masquerade bloodlines - its about it, actually I dont have time for games;)
О себе: Brown-haired person,blue-eyad,growth-177.I decided to become an actor to explore different sides of yourseif and be able to live a different life...not to hide from yourseif, but to understand who i really.Since childhood, hobbies fishing, horse training, going on the boat. In my spare time I skate, keen horse rides, and yoga, play soccer and baseball Life is like a swing, then up and down Many people try to be what they really are not. That is why so many people are falshifkami. They prefer to be wrong themselves, rather than face nadsmeshkami over himself. We can not plan our lives as we want this. So - again dark and downcast,take heart,okapav tears,bear,like a dog,which kennel is moved by train paw. (Mayakovsky) Each time we re-create the love, drawing strength, inspiration and patience of his own soul. And each time it is destroyed, permanently taking away a piece of our lives. And increasing nagging suction chest pain. They say that when a force of the soul end, chest pain becomes unbearable, and then the witch dies. (Svetlana Nergina)
Любимые цитаты:
Faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, as a consequence, a person does not destroy himself but lives. Faith is the force of life. If a man lives, he is nothing, but believe. If he did not think faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, as a result, a person does not destroy himself but lives. Faith is the strength, life. If a man lives, he is nothing, but believe. If he did not think faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, as a result, a person can not destroy himself but lives. Faith is the force of life. If a man lives, he believes in is nothing but. If he did not think faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, as a result, a person does not destroy himself but lives. The belief is the power of life. If a man lives, he is nothing, but believe. If he did not believe that to live for something, he would not live LN Tolstoy The greatest pleasure that I received throughout my career, and every day I get more and more fun. I - not maniac, but I find some similarities with Damon. Damon - a very lonely guy. We all know what it's like to feel lonely. There are two people, with which he wants to return, it is his brother and his girlfriend. I know what it is to confront his own brother, and did not have girls. So, I think we have much in common with him. And I appreciate it. I guess I can not judge him, though after some of his actions and is difficult.

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Арина БарышниковаИрина ЕфремоваАнастасия ВасильеваОльга РоманенкоОксаночка ДячукNataliya SmirnovaDELETED Настя МотинаАдриан ЖдановЕкатерина ВолковаИрина ПолищукПолина ГайворонскаяЮлька ДолматоваКсения ЛосьТатьяна КугалLive QuicksilverAlex MilanoЛиза ДолматоваАлександра ЕгороваДмитрий ВасилевскиKatharina WeskermannКатька КарибскаяСаша ОрловКатя РомановаCatherine PierceДенис ЛобановЕлена НавадоваКатерина ПетроваElenka SalvatoreMiss HelgaЕкатерина КоролеваOne LifeЕлена ГилбертНина DobrevАня ВиноградоваPhoebe MarieJared LetoВлада ГвоздковаЮлия ПензинаElena GilbertЯна ПетроваElena GilbertNina DobrevНастя ЯкушинаЕлена ГилбертКатюся КулешоваКатерина КоноплянскаяElena GilbertЛидия ПакЕкатерина ОрловаНина ДобревКристиан ДементьевМашка КеримоваAzat KadymovKatherine PierceГалина ВолгинаНина ДобревNina DobrevТатьяна ПанченкоSteven McqueenKatherine PierceЗоя ПоносоваRebecca PhillipsКатюша ФурманAmanda Siscoㅤ ㅤЕлизавета КалягинаКатерина АкконитоваAisha MouamAppartamenti Odessa-UcrainaVictory SowilJoseph MorganMichii DiazVera QiriqiRenata OliveiraNina DobrevСаня КриворучкоNini SomerhalderAscunseanu-Lorena Ascunseanu-LoreanBrenda GlzАнна НаталичеваΗикита ΜакаровDenis Yartsev

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