Анастасия Мр

Была в сети 12:07:22 25.03.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 2 Июля
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
VK: id130279501
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Личные интересы
Интересы: love photography
Любимые книги: yes a little start ...... I sleep, I wake up in the hands of committed another book, but I will not even notice, and keep reading so I have yet interesting raskazy)) ooou))
Любимые игры: Yes there have recently played with the neck in a twist of a real game .... and I won))))
О себе: Girl - Fashion Pretty face, slender figurine As usual, styling, curls below his shoulders do not eat sweet, to protect the waist Walking down the street, no otoboya from guys Pile of beads, and tight jeans on her She is beautiful, and so confident What goes with a smile navsrechu fate Fashion magazines, glossy pages She flew through the nightAt night she can not sleep New acquaintances, new rings And once broke seredechko Naroscheny nails in the nose shackle She is looking for their prey, cats eyes Again, a new night club again, the meeting Catch it is difficult but possible ... Go shopping, credit card in your wallet She just loves Calvin Klein and Prada Behind her, always hear the whistle Her best friend - the most fashionable stylist They come out of the buggy at the club, Security they will never answer rudely Coolest guys watching with Interest Another would, She had R'n'B - Princess Lady smoking cigarettes in thin pink tutus They like money, clothes, boys and wheelbarrows Plump lips, thick black eyelashes Bright nail polish, a large set of ambitions Accurate eye, and shoots bravely Brunette or a blonde - it's not so important SandalsAnd buckle with rhinestones Who does not love this girl?
Любимые цитаты:
Smile And you do not be sad everything will be okay, life is full of pleasant moments Smile, do not be sad! Life - Movie and We Spin The film

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