Дэниэл Рэдклифф

Был в сети 11:26:52 10.09.2014 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 23 Июля 1989
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
VK: id132973835
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Личные интересы
Деятельность: The actor
Интересы: I act in film in films
Любимые фильмы: Фильмография 2011 Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти: Часть 2 / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II ... Harry Potter 2010 Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти: Часть 1 / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I ... Harry Potter 2009 Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка / Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ... Harry Potter 2009 Путешествие / Journey Is the Destination, The ... Dan Eldon 2007 Мой мальчик Джек / My Boy Jack (ТВ) ... John Kipling 2007 Декабрьские мальчики / December Boys ... Maps 2007 Гарри Поттер и орден Феникса / Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ... Harry Potter 2006 Children's Party at the Palace, The (ТВ) ... Harry Potter 2005 Гарри Поттер и кубок огня / Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ... Harry Potter 2004 Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана / Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ... Harry Potter 2002 Гарри Поттер и тайная комната / Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ... Harry Potter 2001 Гарри Поттер и философский камень / Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ... Harry Potter 2001 Портной из Панамы / Tailor of Panama, The ... Mark Pendel 1999 Дэвид Копперфилд / David Copperfield (ТВ) ... Young David Copperfield
О себе: I are rich but money I do not like to spend
Любимые цитаты:
I remember, I washed in a bathroom, to me the father has run and has told: «Guess, whom they want for Harry Potter's role?» I have burst out crying for pleasure. Probably, it was the best, happiest moment in mine .P.S is there was an excellent course. I each time appeared in the same clothes – T-shirts were different, but I dressed a jacket same, and clasped it so it was not visible that under it. A hat too carried same. As a result on new photos I looked the same as on old as though all of them have been removed in the same day, and anybody is fast them any more did not want to publish. It was more tremendous. Anything is not present better, than a show disappointed папарацци.P.S – the First part «Death Gifts» is similar on such strange roud-muvi. In it there is more than psychologism, relations between characters more deeply reveal. And action is developed not in Hogvartse, therefore sensation from a film absolutely another. The first part shows, how characters behave out of habitual conditions. And the second part – the present fight of titans. It something improbable. It is the first time when I actually would like to see a ready film

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