Payton-D'oro Mare

Была в сети 21:53:25 09.03.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 21 Ноября 1996
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: замужем
Город: Москва
VK: id133211665
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Sit Vkontakte ^^
Интересы: Horse-and not something more __##__##____________________________________ ___######___________________________________ ___#########________________________________ ___##########_______________________________ __###########__________#####________________ _####__#########__##############____________ __##___###########################__________ ________############################______## ________###################################_ _______########################_#########___ _______#######################____######____ ________###############__####_______________ _________########___####__###_______________ __________##_###______####_##_______________ __________#####_________##_##_______________ __________####__________##_##_______________ ___________###__________#_##________________ _____________#####______###_________________ ______________#_________###_________________ _______________#´´´´´ ´´´´´
Любимые фильмы: -Horses are not watching a movie .*, although it can be if taught tsyrke *))
Любимые телешоу: -Zenk higher lift uznaesh .. ↑ ...)
Любимые книги: -Horses do not read *** Oh well, sorry 'cause here I schya all the hoof torn about oetu blunt Claudia and I can not read * (
Любимые игры: Jumping, cross country ..* *___************_________________________________________ ___*************________________________________________ ___***************___**_______________**_______________ ___*******************_***__________***********__**____ ___**********************__________***************_____ ___***********************_________***************_____ ___******_***************__________************________ __*****___***_*********_____________*******************_ __***_____****************__________*****************___ __________**************______***___*****************___ _________*****************************__________________ _________******************************_________________ ________*******************************_________________ ________********************************________________ ________********************************________________ ________********************************________________ ______*********************************_________________ __************************************__________________ _*************************************__________________ ***__________*************____********__________________ **____________***_______________********________________ **____________****____________***********_______________ **_____________***__________*******__****_______________ **_____________***__________***_______****______________ **______________**__________***________***______________ ________________**__________***_________**______________ _________________**__________**_________***_____________ _________________**______________________**_____________ _________________**______________________*______________ ________________***_____________________***_
О себе: ayton d'Oro (foaled 2006 in Kentucky) is an American Thoroughbred filly racehorse. She has won four of her last five outings. The daughter of Medaglia d'Oro will best be remembered for posting a 1¼-length score in the mile and an eighth $250,000 Grade II Black-Eyed Susan Stakes at Pimlico Race Course on May 15, 2009.[1] Trained by J. Larry Jones, she previously notched a 4-¾ length score in the one mile $75,000 Instant Racing Stakes at Oaklawn Park on April 11, 2009. After winning three straight races at Oaklawn Park in the spring of her sophomore season, her connections decided to enter her in the second jewel of America's defacto Filly Triple Crown, the Black-eyed Susan Stakes. Payton d'Oro was the third choice at 5-2 at post time in a strong field of eight stakes winners. As the gates opened up, she sprang out to a quick lead trailed closely by 35-1 longshot Stage Trick as they passed the stands at Pimlico for the first time. With three furlongs to go in the race, the 8-5 favorite Cassanova Move pulled up on close to the two front runners. In the mean time 7-1 Bon Jovi Girl made a bold rush on the rail passing both Stage Trick and Cassanova Move. The leader Payton d'Oro had a little left in the tank and held on to beat Bon Jovi Girl by 1-1/2 lengths. Later in her three year-old season the John Ferris and Mike Pressley filly Payton d’Oro topped a field of nine entered in the $125,000 Susan's Girl Stakes at Delaware Park. The mile and a sixteenth test for fillies is the local prep for the mile and a sixteenth $250,000 Grade II Delaware Oaks run on July 18. Both Payton d'Oro and her rival Bon Jovi Girl disappointed their fans that day finishing sixth and fourth respectively. Payton d'Oro won her next race in October of her sophomore season when she moved to the lead soon after the opening quarter mile of the race in the $200,000 Remington Park Oaks. Once she assumed control of the lead she never looked back and won by a one-length margin in the 1-1/16 mile race. She beat Multipass who finished second by a nose in front of the late-running Peach Brew for third. Payton d'Oro won the Bayakoa Stakes at one mile and one sixteenth on dirt at Oaklawn Park in April of her junior season. She has a career record of six wins and four seconds from fourteen starts with career earnings $415,183 for the bay filly. Owned by John Ferris and Mike Pressley, Payton d'Oro was bred in Kentucky by T/C Stable and James Carter. Out of the Jade Hunter mare Jealous and Jaded, she was sold at the 2007 Keeneland September yearling sale for $35,000. Клоны запомните я одна и ЕДИНСТВЕННАЯ !!
Любимые цитаты:
-........- -........- -........- -Kalimna chyudnaya machine dastanetsya you for 8 tysch Kalina, a wonderful machine ... UE. -4 Kalesija, there is even tarmoza *) Kalina, a wonderful machine, Petrol-sniffing aramat I am very pleased!) Kalina, a wonderful machine, Its all-round know in Taljati collect: D Under the soot-May-mayus -Replaces a Kalina ogregat.: D "But sad and do not try!) AZ Kachu home with me and very happy: D -I will come rustling Here, viburnum is of interest) -What WHEELBARROW ask people? -This is a new Russian brothers marsides: D Kalina, a wonderful machine!) -.........-

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Алина СавинскаяСвета ФунтиковаМакс МатвеевМаксим ГортинскийПегий ГлобусДарья СтарковаВика ВишневаяАнастасия ТопорецкаяShowing UpЭльбрус ЖеребецДжейн ВольтуриДинар ЖеребецEskendereya ChampionАня МарсДругой ЖеребецВероника ΜакароваАнтон КоваленкоНиколай ΠанковАлена ΠетроваАртём КузнецовAwfully FastГалина ΠолагинаАрабский КрасавецРамиль МиллерОрёл Красавец!Женька РудаковИллиада КобылаДенлайн ЖеребецДух Прошлого-ЖеребецДжуди АстафьеваVersace ЖеребецКокос ЖеребчикGoldikova FavoriteТатьяна ΑлиеваСоня КобылкаНюта ГавриловаМарина ΜитрофановаДенис ΑфанасьевФеликс СмирновАлександр ХеллOrehovo HorseЛобо Псих - фурриТатьяна ΑлиеваТаня ТимофееваДарья КравченкоВика ВишнёвскаяЛюбовь ΚарасеваКоля АркестровGoldi КобылкаДанил ХодаковSharlina CataluñaChoose JuicyRuffian HorseМаша СветловаАлекс КобылкаКсения ЗалевскаяΗадежда ΓолубеваБайкал ЖеребцовВероника ΜакароваLady КобылкаДашка РомановаМаксим МорозовДокота КобылаПолина Невскаяシ シЛайм ЖеребецАлексей СлавныйKaty MareСеня Оксем▄▀▄▀ Horse ▄▀▄▀Владислав ΡунцевErkheart StallionЕкатерина ΡогожинаMacho AgainЛаска КобылкаMusket ManВегас ЖеребецBuena VistaTanya KalininaАнна ЧерныхPatchen Beauty║octave Mare ║║octave Mare ║Octave MareArienza FillyMare HalfbridledМаксим ГришинStardom BoundМария КосякинаOlexiy FrolovМысленный ЖеребецBlack CaviarИгорь ЖуковЕкатерина ΡогожинаBarbaro ......Алена ΠетроваАртем ФокинPirs PirsImmortal VerseСергей Руденко

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