Мятная Жвачка

Была в сети 01:34:04 02.08.2011 с браузера
скоро в школу не охото:(
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 23 Октября
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
VK: id135196366
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: Господи какая разница??
Личные интересы
Деятельность: =:*:=
Интересы: Spanch-Bob, school tricks, spirits, music, my favourite Iphone, a cinema, a player, contact, Surgut, and friends Э I support dialogue with нефорами*голубое a blanket, thoughts, the sky, dreams, the silence, the stiffened heart, dreams, difficult age, я+он, with it, it са me, we walk under the moon, it I love, I am silent, сморю in his eyes, grief, music, cinema, love, boys, shops, life, ink, a hedgehog-tayozhik, phone, conversations, rest, the sea, bul-bul, ice-cream, chocolates, sweet, Coca-Cola, "to be taken for a ride in a car, to be online on vkontakte, play a guitar and on nerves, to walk, shines, a watch, a tic-so, пузырики, ТАПЫ, кедики, ТАПЫ on castors, the skates, пушистики, a kitten, puppies, a soft blanket, snowflakes, русницы, eyes, feelings, passion, champagne, fireworks, бингальские fires, winter, summer, spring, autumn, попкорн, chips, films, butterflies, coffee, lemonade, tea, garlands, a snowball, the sun, Vlad, a cud, джус, fruit candy, sugar candies, varnishes, Long нногти, a plaid, Robert Patinson, Kristen Stewart, soft игрушки:зайки, pigs, doggies, kitties, puppies, котятки))), candies, кислинки, шипучки, salutes, fur-trees, мадельки, shopping, the beautician, a player, gifts, тональник, a cream, morning, evening, stars, spirits, дизадаранты, candles, бусики, magazines, ear rings, shoes, keys, candy wrappers, flowers, pastes, поедки, тупы, coulombs, shades, illustrations, pictures, porcelain dolls, bracelets, wheelbarrows, handbags, hairpins, ruches, брюльки, bul-bul, ICQ, black and white.I love, I love, I like to play a guitar, to sing songs, to break a computer, to dance, and a heap of stuff, a make-up, manicure, a pedicure, памада, the moon, night, roses, candles, romanticism, скейты, ink, shades, football, walk, ростикс, city the center, Babylon, эльфы.
Любимые фильмы: fantasy, Twilight 1, 2, 3 and will be fast 4, Hatiko, all connected with vampires
Любимые телешоу: Comedy clab
Любимые книги: I read basically about vampires for example Twilight 1 2 3 4, Diaries of vampires, series of books the House of night 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc.
Любимые игры: I don't play game
О себе: I talented, clever, I very creative, like to sing, I adore to write verses, basically opinion on me itself сабой, the in itself opened.
Любимые цитаты:
и пошло оно всё на хуй.....

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