Андрей Шубин

Был в сети 17:30:26 11.06.2024 с android
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 28 Декабря 1991
Пол: Мужской
Город: Красноярск
VK: duxman
Место учёбы: СФУ
Факультет: Информатики и процессов управления
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (специалист)
Год окончания: 2014
Школа №97 2002-2009 класс "б"

Гимназия: Гимназия №5 1999-2002
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Верю в сон. Регулярно поклоняюсь ему.
Вдохновляют: Narwhals
Личные интересы
Любимые телешоу: Окна
Любимые книги: Call of Cthulhu
Любимые игры: тетрис, танчики, марио, кОнтра
О себе: возможно дебил
Любимые цитаты:
"If u can’t find somethin to live for, u best find somethin to die for." ©Afeni Shakur(Alice Faye Williams) "When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." ©2pac\Kabir (?) "Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." ©2Pac "It's a shame, niggas in the rap game only for the money and the fame" ©Mr. X to the Z "Think having money is the answer? Money ain`t nothing, but another form of cancer." ©DMX "sometimes,you just don't know...what you're here for...just keep walking" ©DMX "If everyone else had my eyes Then, who I am wouldn`t be a surprise" ©DMX "Even if you stagger,you ain't got to fall. well even if you fall down,you get back up. whatever you think it is, it ain't that rough cuz there's gonna be a time when enough is enough!" ©DMX "Cause we all go anyway, I'ma say goodbye today Cause it could be any day, I'ma say goodbye today We've grown in so many ways, but I'ma say goodbye today Cause it could be any day, I'ma say goodbye today" ©DMX "If you love something - let it go, if it comes back to you - it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was." ©DMX "Where're I'm living ain't right Black hate white White hate black It's right back to the same fight They got us suspecting a war But the real war is to follow the law of the lord" ©DMX "Either let me fly, or give me death Let my soul rest, take my breath If I don't fly I'ma die anyway, I'ma live on but I'll be gone any day" ©DMX "I thank you Lord for my birth, and everything that's followed I thank you Lord for today, and I will pray for tomorrow I thank you Lord for the love of my life and a friend I made a promise - and I'm lovin my wife til the end..." ©DMX "I wish for so many things, in so little time. I wish all this wishes weren't mine. But all I can do, is wishin'. Hope becomes true. Pray to God and hope becomes true! Have Faith!" ©DMX "Be careful of those who wanna be you They smile, but are not really happy when they see you Be careful of the ones that always wanna get you high Cause when the time comes, that one'll let you die." ©DMX "We go through what we go through, all for a purpose" ©DMX "See to live is to suffer, but to survive... Well that's to find meaning in the suffering." ©DMX "Some of us do wrong with no remorse. Some of us do wrong, see the light, and change course." ©DMX "Оглядись, Любезный друг, Интересу ради. Убедись, Что все вокруг… Мудаки и бляди" "The best kind of bees - BOOBIES"

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