Основная информация Пол: Мужской Контакты Город: Los Angeles VK: id143560411 | Образование Место учёбы: Edinburgh Napier University Факультет: Business school Форма обучения: Очное отделение London School of Economics and Political Science |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: индифферентные Мировоззрение: нет Главное в людях: ум и креативность Главное в жизни: карьера и деньги Отн. к курению: негативное Отн. к алкоголю: негативное | Личные интересы Деятельность: Robert Thomas Pattinson was born on May, 13th, 1986 in London, England. His mother, Clare, worked in modeling agency, and his father, Richard, was engaged in import of retrocars from the USA. Also Robert has two elder sisters — Lizzi and Victoria. Younger Lizzi — the singer, the senior Victoria works in advertizing sphere. Early years Robert Pattinson was the uneasy child. In 12 years it even have excluded from its first school. In 12 years Robert became model, but its modeling career has lasted only 4 years. Because of a fast growing and early the shown man's lines to it all to offer steels work less often. «When I only have begun, I was high enough and similar to the girl. Therefore to me the set of offers arrived. Then, I think, in me man's lines became simple too many, and I have practically lost work. I had the most unsuccessful modeling career», — remembers Pattinson. At the age of 15 years Robert has entered «Theatrical group Barnsa» as the actor-fan. After a number of small supporting roles to it began to trust more significant roles, for example, in performances «Tess from a sort д’Эрбервиллей» and "Makbet". Professional career Filmography and awards In 2004 Robert has played the first roles cinema: in films «vanity Fair» and «the Ring of Nibelungs». However, it were small parts of the second plan. In 2005 with a film exit «Harry Potter and fire cup» Pattinson became known to general public as the executor of a role of Sedrika Diggori. Same year it has been named by "the British star of tomorrow». In 2006 and left 2007 two more films with its participation: "Persecutor Tobi Dzhagga" and «the Diary of bad mummy» accordingly. In 2008 roles in britano-Spanish a film «past Echoes» where Robert has played a role of El Salvador of the Distance have followed; in the British comedy "Awkward age" where he has played the guitarist who was thrown by the girl; and in a short-footage film «Summer small house». The same year Robert has been chosen from huge number of applicants for Edward Kallena's role in a sequel "Twilight" ("Twilight" (2008), «Twilight. The saga. A new moon» (2009), «Twilight. The saga. An eclipse» (2010), «Twilight. The saga. A dawn» (2011)) on motives of the best seller of Stephanie Mayer with the same name. Besides, he has written two soundtracks to this film: “Never Think” and “Let Me Sign”. In 2008 Robert Pattinson has won two awards: New Hollywood Award and Best Actor Award on a film festival in Strasbourg for a role of Arta in "Awkward age". In the beginning of 2009 he participated in 81st ceremony of delivery of the award "Oscar", and also has received two more awards: Best Actor Award and Bravo A-List Breakout Award. In 2010 there are new films with Robert Pattinsona's participation — a melodrama «Remember me» and a western «Free captives». In 2011 the screen version of the known novel of Gi де Maupassant "Dear friend" in which Robert will play a leading role is expected. In 2008 and 2009 Pattinson has been named «by the Most sexual man from recent» under magazine "People" version. In 2009 the same rank О себе: Роман, 19 лет, живу в москве) ролевое общение не приветствую) |