Dr Ali

Был в сети 18:02:06 22.08.2014 с браузера
I am a Nobody. Nobody is Perfect. Therefore I am Perfect !!!.
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 16 Ноября 1985
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Dubai
Skype: dr.silenced
VK: drsilenced
Место учёбы: American University in Dubai
Факультет: Business Administration
Форма обучения: Очно-заочное отделение
Статус: Выпускник (магистр)
American International School 1998-2001
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: либеральные
Мировоззрение: Islam
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира
Отн. к курению: компромиссное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Thinking, Meditating, Discovering, Researching, Over Analyzing, Learning, Coffeehouses, German language, Quotes, Healthcare, Marketing, Interventional Cardiologist, Web Design, Sonography, Love, Culture, Foreign Languages, Eating, Revolutions, Weight training, Reading, Cuddling, Sleeping, Peace, Dominoes, Guitar, Truth, Internet, Writing, Value investing, London Stock Exchange, Graphic designer, Exploring Nature, Design, Underwater diving, Camping, English language, Basketball, Volleyball, Nobel Prize, World Health Organization, Yoga, Windsurfing, Equestrianism, Skiing, Net Surfing, Travelling, Computer, Tennis, Medical Education, Traditional Chinese medicine, Friendship, Electrocardiography, Psychology, Stem Cell Research, Infection control, Philosophy, Evidence-Based Medicine, Heart diseases, Studying, Volunteering, History
Интересы: Creativity, Research, Theories, Ideas, Hypothesizing, Behavior, Genetics, Technology, Thinking, Medicine, Current Events, History, Discovering the Unknown, Traveling
Любимые фильмы: Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders, Doctor Zhivago, The Hidden Truth Series, A Beautiful Mind, Alice in Wonderland, Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, Home Alone, Twilight Ice Age Movie, Titanic, Face/Off, Harold & Kumar, Avatar, Wanted Scarface™ Just Go With It, When In Rome, The Social Network Movie, Due Date, Life As We Know It Clash of the Titans, The Green Mile, The Princess Bride, 13 Going on 30 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Color Purple, MammaMia!, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, How to Train Your Dragon, Disney Movies, Paranormal Activity, The Tourist, The Pursuit of Happyness, The Blind Side, Revolutionary Road, Changeling, Limitless, The Prestige Black Swan, Transformers, Sleeping with the Enemy, The Last Samurai, The Back-up Plan, Letters to Juliet, Just Like Heaven, Pride and Prejudice, How to Make an American Quilt, Hannah Montana The Movie, The Horse Whisperer, The Notebook, Slumdog Millionaire, Pirates of the Caribbean, Take It With You - A moving documentary film on beauty & happiness, Snow White, Monsters, Inc. Tron Sherlock Holmes, Disney Princesses, Inception, Harry Potter
Любимые телешоу: NOVA scienceNOW, Grey's Anatomy, Emergency Room, Mystery Diagnosis, Dr. G: Medical Examiner, Sally, Doctor's Diary, Doctors, The Doctors, Doctor Who, Charmed, Nip/Tuck, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, Ghost Whisperer, Glee, Galileo, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, 90210, The Daily Show, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Nova, Weeds, How I Met Your Mother, Pretty Little Liars, True Blood Burn Notice Friends The Rachael Ray Show, The Insider, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, Nurse Jackie, Dexter, The Amazing Race, Flashpoint Person of Interest, Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Two and a Half Men Desperate Housewives, The Simpsons, The Mentalist, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Good Morning America, Network Marketing Pro, Oprah Winfrey, Faces of America, Who Do You Think You Are?, National Geographic, Discovery Channel's, Planet Earth, Al Jazeera Documentary, The Colbert Report, BBC World News, Dr House, Nat Geo Music, Great Migrations, General Hospital, Dr. Phil
Любимые книги: Qur'an, The Power of Now, The Alchemist, Gray's Anatomy, I am legend, The Zahir, The Famous Five, Think and Grow Rich, Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, Davidson's Internal Medicine, The Lost Symbol, Pride and Prejudice, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The House of the Spirits, Medical Books, Merck Manual Emergency Response Guidebook, Harrison's Internal Medicine, Nelson Textbook of Pediatric, Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, The Little Prince Official, Paradise Lost, The Official John Gray Mars Venus The Fountainhead, A Short History of Nearly Everything Atlas Shrugged, Alice In Wonderland, Love in the Time of Cholera, A Game of Thrones, The Great Gatsby, The Lovely Bones, Evermore, A Return to Love, Bible, A Course in Miracles, The Manual of the Warrior of Light, The Yale Book of Quotations, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Oliver Twist, Women in Love, Lord of the Flies, Blink, The Pact Popular Penguins, The Intelligent Investor, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Picture of Dorian Gray, East of Eden, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Brain That Changes Itself, A Brief History of Time, Molecular Biology of the Cell, The Art of Happiness, Animal Farm, The Secret Life of Plants Biographies, The Great War for civilization, Lovely Bones, Hard Times, The Island A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol Dream catcher, The Agony and the Ecstasy, A New Earth, The Unbearable Lightness of Being The Selfish Gene, The End of Faith, Foucault's Pendulum, Divine Comedy, The Davinci Code, Deception Point, Sense and Sensibility, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The Purpose Driven Life, The Hiding Place Frankenstein War and Peace Thus Spoke Zarathustra The Analects of Confucius The Secret Garden Hamlet The Hunger Games trilogy A Tale of Two Cities Heart of Darkness Sense & Sensibilty Pillars of the Earth The Picture of Dorian Gray, Eleven Minutes The Da Vinci Code, The Celestine Prophecy, The Shack, The Kite Runner Unbearable Lightness of Being Bless Me, Ultima The Idiot The World Is Flat The Audacity of Hope The History of Love The Godfather Gone with the Wind The Secret Harry Potter Tuesdays with Morrie Kite Runner Reading Lolita in Tehran Eat Pray Love, The Stranger, One Hundred Years of Solitude Of Love and Other Demons, World Without End, Veronika Decides to, Die Romeo and Juliet, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Change of Heart, Where Rainbows End, A Million Little Pieces, The Tipping Point
О себе: Simple Human loves everyone without any considerations and belives that success is the best mean for vengeance if someone hates me. I hate weakness very much either in me or in other or in animal or in the earth.
Любимые цитаты:
Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself. Life is not measured by the amount of breath you take but by the moments that take your breath away. PLAN while others are playing. STUDY while others are sleeping. DECIDE while others are delaying. PREPARE while others are daydreaming. BEGIN while others are procrastinating. WORK while others are wishing. SAVE while others are wasting . LISTEN while others are talking. SMILE while others are frowning. COMMEND while others are criticizing. PERSIST while others are quitting "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." - William Shakespeare Love is like rain .. You never know how hard it will be or How long It will last. Sometimes all you can give is love Sometimes all you have is not enough Sometimes life is like a dream Sometimes dreams aren’t what they seem Sometimes laughter can heal your heart Sometimes it’s laughter that breaks it apart Sometimes the world goes faster than you can go Sometimes even fast is still too slow Sometimes going home is the only thing on your mind Sometimes home is the only place you can’t find Sometimes you are too tired to sleep Sometimes you are too sad to weep Sometimes freedom holds you back Sometimes a wedding dress is black Sometimes loneliness is what you need Sometimes there’s a harvest without a seed Sometimes darkness can be too bright Sometimes rain gives you delight Sometimes you think you understand Sometimes you know you really can’t Sometimes what sets you free are restrictions Sometimes what makes most sense are contradictions "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." - Albert Einstein

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    Екатерина БелинскаяIrina AlicanteАнечка НечаеваЛилия БигловаАнна НавысоцкаяВиктория VitaЕкатерина ЛуцкоМарина SaraevaБахром СултанходжаевАнна ХохловаТатьяна КунчийТатьяна ХрапачМария ЕрофееваИван ЕрмаковНаталия КондратьеваКристина СаровскаяЛидия ХомичМарина ЗельдинаGulnar SafarmetovaАлена НазароваЕвгения МашковаЛисенок ТимашеваОльга НазароваВалерия ОлейникЕлена Чернова-ТрековаDELETED Joumana ДжуманаНастя НиколенкоКсения МуфтаховаВиктория ФетисоваАртур ЗиганшинМаргарита ДарьинаМиша АдыровСветлана ЯковлеваАлександра ВасильеваАнна СитникКристина НовожиловаОксаночка РомановаМария ГольденбергDaria PetruzzelliАлина ГальченкоВладимир ОнищенкоВиктория БерестСалтанат БаймухамедоваАнна АндроноваRezeda MamatadjievaИрина ДинисВладимир АлександровичАнна Лукина-ОвечкинаАнжелика КотоваЕвгения СалминаЛилия МироненкоЮлька ЛозовскаяЕвгения ХрамцевичСергей ИвановАлевтина SherihanКристина ДеркачДарья ЖулёваВероника СавинскаяМаргарита МузыкаАнастасия СтародубоваТатьяна РыбакMariana LeusАльбина ГалёваЛюдмила БеловаНаталья СергееваКристина ВласоваDELETED Дарья НурбакиловаДарина КонстантиноваДарья СпицынаКристина МилевскаяАйгуль ВалееваНаталья РомановскаяСветлана ГрудинаМария ЛитовкаElena PalaceЕёвеличество ЧеченкаСальсабиль ИмановаИриша ЗайцеваTatiana NikolaevnaТатачка ЛашкоГалина АтландероваАлла СмышляеваВалерия ГунькоАнастасия ЗахарскаяЮлия РедкоусЕлена ВодопьянИрина ШрамкоИрина БахираЕкатерина АлександроваНастюшка ГрибоедоваЮлия ЮроваКатерина ЮрченкоЕвгения НизамоваВалентина ДадановаRolando EscobarΚристина ΚирилловаАйна ΚрасильниковаВиктория РадькоАйдар ГалиевНиколай СавельевЭльвание ШевкетАлёна ПапучаАнна КорбанАлина ФетичЕкатерина МаркеловаПавел КапитоновIngrida AsmonieneЛора DansОксана ПавлюковаЛайан ЗакаеваMaria KudrinskayaDELETED Анна ПавловаАлександра ДорошВика ЗарубинаТатьяна КривенкоОльга БеллидансингДарья СагаловаЕва МатасоваDELETED DELETED Дана ТургаеваКатерина КулішАиша ТовмасянAlina SardСоломатін ІваничЮлия ПанченкоТатьяна ЧернышоваMarina GalkinaLeoa DesignDasha NikulinaАнгелина ХолизоваЯна БілявськаКатя ЕвдокимоваСветлана БояринТатьяна ЖёлудьНаталия МедведеваЕвгений ДуховMalika TjkAdina ZhaziraИрина ΚарасеваОльга ГрицаенкоМиша БукетовДаша АндрееваАнна ИвановаАлёна КравченкоМария ПетроваDELETED Сергей ВозьнюкАнастасия МихайловнаVictoria BorisovichЕкатерина ИвановаХадижа РашидКристи АзотоваАрина КрыловаАнна ЛетвиноваЛена АгафоноваСвета СкворцоваΗаталья ΓерасимоваAli MikdadАлександра КалинаАнна ГрейсАлла ВероваDELETED Τатьяна ΤитоваДоктор ЗнаетЮлия РиккерЕлена УгароваАля ВершининаСветлана ИвановаВикторя НовиковаЕлена АфанасьеваСофия ПанкратоваМарина БаутенкоDhahi JehadRabbeh RaniaЛена МарковичMax SpiritsАнжелика ЛепестковаВиолетта ПаклеваIlham DentalclinicЮлия РагожкинаСофия ΠанкратоваДаша ДорошевскаяАлина КорневаМарина ИлюшинаВиталий СмирновДарья НикулинаАнтон УшаковMydream JukeАнна РомашкоАленка ДуховскаяВика Лебедева

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