Александра Смирнова

Была в сети 15:45:42 04.12.2012 с телефона
You're the one who saw methrough it all
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 15 Декабря 1920
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: влюблена
Город: Chicago
VK: id154061338
Место учёбы: Art Institute of New York City
Факультет: General Studies
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студентка (специалист)
University Heights High School
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: Klass..., Transformers..., Terminator..., the Saw 1; 2; 3; 4;..., Twilight all..., Become successful..., 2012..., and....
О себе: I speak I love, when I lose, But so I am afraid to miss an instant, Another's people always easily I forgive, But the relatives I can not forgive. Me to understand easily, but it is too difficult. To force me to admit more close I proud where it is impossible, But I am able to LOVE sincerely!!!
Любимые цитаты:
— I the most dangerous predator in the world, everything that am in me, involves you: my voice, my person, even would wash a smell … I and without it has managed … from me not to escape! Me not to win!. I am created to kill … — And let! — And I killed people … Is … not important! — I wanted … to kill you. I never tested such thirst of human blood … — I trust you … — It is not necessary! — I nearby and I trust … ************************************ — So you will tell to me how has stopped a van? Is there was an adrenaline emission! For business usual … in Google look! & ******************************************* God has given to brunettes beauty, a devil - mind. Not to love brunettes - a crime., to love - punishment. Brunettes need to be carried on hands - on a neck they will sit down. There are two ways to order the brunette, but anybody does not know them. Never say to the brunette that you not God have given to brunettes beauty, a devil - mind. Not to love brunettes - a crime., to love - punishment. Brunettes need to be carried on hands - on a neck they will sit down. There are two ways to order the brunette, but anybody does not know them. Never say to the brunette that you not God have given to brunettes beauty, a devil - mind. Not to love brunettes - a crime., to love - punishment. Brunettes need to be carried on hands - on a neck they will sit down. There are two ways to order the brunette, but anybody does not know them. Never say to the brunette that you not God have given to brunettes beauty, a devil - mind. ***************************************** "If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time" If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time "If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time" If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time "If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time" If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time "If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time" If the girl has given you a key from heart, take your time to rejoice, tomorrow it can replace the lock!" If you are not able to love - be able to lose. It is possible to fall in love only with that you know.

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Максим ШверыдКсения ГилбертСергей СериаломанАртём КельталасовRoma DevileKatherine PierceСтефан СальватореКатерина ПетроваСергей БруцкийСергей ФилимоновДмитрий ВысокогорскийStefan SalvatoreЛидия ВинчестерНиколай ВасиленкоАларик ЗальцманЙен СомерхолдерСтефан СальватореКатерина ПетроваDELETED Катерина ПетроваДима МакаровДжереми ГилбертДмитрий АбрамовЕлена МартинсЛина КотоваЭлайджа ГиллисDELETED Elena GilbertТайлер ЛоквудDamon SalvatoreЖанна ЛоскутоваStefan SalvatoreКатерина ПирсДанил СаяповКристина СоколовскаяАлина АлександроваНикита РихтерАлександр СтаниславскийDELETED Адам ВербеновDELETED Кира АвдееваЛянусiк ОлексюкКэтрин ♥♥♥Никалаус МорганКристина СмирноваЕвгения ЕфремоваВолодя БондаренкоЯна ДолматоваDemon SalvatoreDELETED Александр СтефановВлад МельниченкоDELETED Damon SalvatoreМакс ДолматовНина ПирсоваStefan SalvatoreСтефан СальватореDELETED Роман АвдеевАнастасия КравченкоКатерина ПетроваКристиан ДементьевПавел ЛукояновЛев АконитовЕлена СтефановаДеймон СальватореНина ДобревМакс КрутовSalvatore StefanМашка КеримоваКирилл АлексеевМария ТвардовскаяДеймон СальватореDELETED Елена ВербеноваЕлена СальватореDamon SalvatorStefan SalvatoreРоман АмпиловЙен СомерхалдерЕва СойерПолина ПушкинаКлаус СмитКатерина ПетроваВалерия АлексееваМаша НикитинаТайлер ЛоквудНастя ВолковаNinka DobrevElena GilbertЛариса МайскаяNino TamazashviliЛера АксееваЕлена ГилбертCandiece AccolaАртур РусановКира МарковаАндрей БелошапкаКлаус МайколсонKlaus MorganНиколай АферDamon SolvatoreStefan SalvatoreCaroline FerretNikolaus MichaelsonАртем БушевЕлена ГилбертАнастасия Вербенская

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