Основная информация Пол: Мужской Контакты VK: id157345891 | Образование Место учёбы: СВГУ (бывш. СМУ) Факультет: Менеджмента экономики и финансов Форма обучения: Очное отделение Статус: Выпускник (специалист) Год окончания: 2007 |
Личные интересы Деятельность: electronig music producer О себе: RELEASES: [Carica Forza] CARFOR009 Manufactura Deep - Free Space Manufactura Deep - Perron Manufactura Deep - Climb The Rainbows Manufactura Deep - Bach's Deathday [Carica Limited] RR036 Manufactura Deep - Techy Teddy Hunters Manufactura Deep - Plastic Forests Manufactura Deep - 1st Red Book [Carica Lotto] CARLOT008 Manufactura Deep - Degrees Falling Down Manufactura Deep - How Manufactura Deep - Grandmas Dancing Arround Manufactura Deep - Hurry Up Programmer [Kansak Recordings] = KANSAK20TEN021 = Manufactura Deep - Take Me Home feat. Latia Manufactura Deep - How = KANSAK20TEN027 = Manufactura Deep - Take Me Home feat. Latia (Mr. Onion Remix, Andrez Remix, The Painkillers Remix) = KANSAKALB007 = (Kansak Autumn 2010 Album) Manufactura Deep - Take Me Home feat. Latia (Original mix) [Green Snake Records] GSREC032 Manufactura Deep - 30 Days Ago Manufactura Deep - No More Hills Manufactura Deep - Green Noise Manufactura Deep - Strange 13 UPCOMING: - Long Night In Bentley - rework on the original track (you can find it here - http://soundcloud.com/manufacturadeep) 2011 with pack of remixes by Scotty.A, Salt N Sugar, Madeira |