Ashley Tisdale

Была в сети 11:02:29 06.06.2012 с браузера
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Дата рождения: 22 Июля 1985
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: есть друг
Город: Москва
VK: id161296862
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О себе: Тисдейл Monmut (district, New Jersey) on July, 2nd 1985, at Lizy (nee Morris) and Mike Tisdejla, the director of the building company was born in Uest Dile. She has grown in small town Oushen Taunship, Monmut (district, New Jersey). Her elder sister Jennifer Tisdejl — the actress, and its grandfather on mother, Arnold Morris, has created knifes of model Ginsu. Through the grandfather she has got acquainted with known businessman Ronom Poupilom. She the Jew on a parent line also considers herself as the Jew. In 3 years Tisdejl has met the operating manager Bill Perlmana in a trading complex in New Jersey. It sent it on numerous listenings for advertizing owing to what she has acted in film in more, than 100 advertizing on a national cable television, being the child. It has begun the theatrical career by occurrence in the Gipsy: the Musical Fable and a music Sound in the Jewish Public Center in district Monmut. In 8 years it have selected for a role of Kozetty in the Broadway musical "Outcast". «When I was small, I have looked at the play„ Outcast “on the Broadway, and I have thought that it was the most surprising that I ever saw, therefore I have gone to the manager and have told that I want to play this role», — tells Tisdejl in interview Newsday in 2007. She also asserts that it had one lesson of singing before has received a role. Тисдейл was on tours 2 years with a musical "Outcast" before has received a role in the international production round Annie. In 12 Tisdejl has sung in the White House for President Clinton. In the late nineties and the beginning of 2000th Tisdejl had small parts in several teleserials such, as "Hjuli", «the Clever guy», «the Seventh sky», «the Boston school», "Betti" and in feature films «Adventure of Flika» and "Donni Darko". At this time it simultaneously worked as Ford model. For its role in a serial «Boston school», it has received in 2000 a nomination in Young Artist Award on «the Best Invited Role in TV to a drama». In 2004 it have selected for a role of the teenage saleswoman of sweets of Meddi Fitspatrik on Disney Channel in a serial «All type-top, or Zak's Life and Kodi» which was published in March 2005 and has ended in 2008. Later she has won the first award великобританскую award Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for «the Best TV the Actress», thanking its roles of Fitspatrik. Though producers of a new film on Disney Channel «the Class Musical» initially didn't take it into consideration because of «an image of the diligent girl» in «Zak's Life and Kodi», Tisdejl finally, has received a role of the popular, vainglorious schoolgirl of the senior classes the Shar-Pei Evans in a film of 2006. A soundtrack, in which Tisdejl has presented the vocal data in several songs, becoming the most sold album in the USA that year. Тисдейл became the first actress who debuted with two songs simultaneously in «Billboard Hot 100» with «What I’ve Been Looking For» (In the sky to draw) and «Bop to the Top» (On heads), both from a soundtrack to a film. «The class Musical» became the looked most through film on Disney Channel that year, with 7.7 is lovely

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