Vanessa Hudqens

Была в сети 00:06:22 26.06.2012 с браузера
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Дата рождения: 14 Декабря 1988
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: замужем
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id161640879
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О себе: Vanessa Hadzhens was born on December, 14th, 1988 in small town Salinase, the USA. It is the popular American actress, the owner of several prestigious awards and titles. Vanessa Hadzhens has grown in California. She visited high school Orandzh Kaunti, and in 7 class parents have decided to continue training of their daughter in-home. Ванесса was always the artistic child. At the age of 8 years it arranged the interesting dramatized representations for parents and took part in musical theater. The girl possessed a fine voice, therefore always received the best roles and parties. Participation of Vanessy Hadzhens in shootings of commercials became following step to career of the actress. As it has taken part in such shows as «Quintuplets», «Cover Me» and «Still Standing». Debut film of the young actress became «Thirteen». It has played a role of Noel In it. In 2004 Vanessa Hadzhens has taken part in picture shootings «Thunderbirds». As it has represented Gabriellu Montez in a television movie «High School Musical». The given role became one of the most successful and large in early career of the actress. In 2005 Vanessa Hadzhens acted in film for advertizing of bathing suits. And in 2006 the girl has concluded the quite good contract with the company «Old Navy». It became the person of several commercials. In 2007 Vanessa Hadzhens has received a title «Best beginning singer» at ceremony «Teen Choice Awards». Ванесса is enough popular person in Hollywood, therefore it didn't manage to avoid sharp attacks of a yellow press. Journalists have dug out its old youthful photos where it is represented bared. The given pictures have instantly got to a network the Internet where began to enjoy wide popularity and have caused the big resonance in circles of admirers of the singer. But, despite such shocking facts, the girl has continued the work in Disney's company. As she assiduously works on the vocal data and execution technics. Ванесса constantly takes part in tour across the USA. In free from shootings and rehearsals time of Vanessa Hadzhens adores to go shopping. She tests huge weakness to bright fashionable dresses. Houses at the actress enough the considerable sizes the clothes filled by every possible novelties from the best world designers. The special trembling in Vanessy is caused by beauty salons and spa-salons. She can spend all day long in these institutions as most of all the girl tries to care of the appearance.

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DELETED Ванесса ХадженсЕкатерина АрехтиноваКатюшка МорозоваЗак ЭфронЗак ЭфронНаталья ПетренкоРишат ГиззатовЗак ЭфронКирилл ГолубевAndrey KulishАртём НестеровОлег ЭфронВанесса МироноваDELETED Маринка ПрокофьеваАнтон АнтиповМария ИмпаловаDELETED Zac EfronКоул--Коди СпроусDamon-Ian Somerhalder-SalvatoreDELETED Катерина МорозоваDELETED Алина АнтоноваАнютка СтепановаЯна ВолчковаАлия КуланбаеваАлександр БулыгинОлеся РулинАртем ГуляевПолина БелютинаВалерия КозловаЮля АбрамоваDELETED Николь БрусинаDELETED Дарья ШушеваVanessa HudgensАлександра АлонцеваStell HudgensСтас НовиковDELETED Lucas GrabeelZac EfronDELETED Дарима БолтыроваКсения ВасильеваМакс АпрельDELETED Ashley TisdaleНаталия ИвановаDELETED Кирилл НезамутдиновАня МилановаDELETED Аделина ИскандароваАня РусскихДина МорозоваВанесса ХадженсАлёнка ЛукьяноваДжастин БиберVanessa HudgensАртём АбрамовВладислава РуслановнаМакс ВиноградовHanna MontanaDELETED DELETED Miley-Ray CyrusАліна ВисоцькияОльга ЕгиреваСергій ПрохорукЗак ЭфронЗак ЭфронАгатик МуцениецеДарья СтарковаMiley CyrusМаша ТокачёваEmily-Jordan OsmentAshley TisdaleVanessa HadgensЛида КоппалинаJustin BieberОлеся ОреховаАнна ФилатоваЭшли ТиздейлНастя НовиковаBella ThorneВанесса ХадженсКсения МаликBruno MarsЭшли ТисдейлDELETED Анна СподобаеваГабриэлла ХеганВера ЛазареваАртём АртёмовДжастин БиберЭлеонора СуфияроваТаня ПашкельАнастасия ПетроваGabriella MontezГабриэлла ХеганVanessa HudqensАнастасия МорозоваЗак ЭфронМаргарита АгибаловаИгорь ДементьевВика ИноземцеваСветлана ХайлоЛенка КотоваАнастасия ШевченкоНастёна ДрушляковаVanessa HudgensВиктория КузнецоваАртур СемаковBrenda SongZac EfronАртём МироновGabriella-Samanta MontezMiley CyrusКарина ЧукинаДжастин БиберNick JonasSelena GomezBella ThorneВанесса ХадженсLilian RilemSelena GomezDemi LovatoVanessa HudgensРома ФирсовElena-Elena Gilbert-GilbertDemi LovatoНикита РостовскийDELETED Дарья ВаснецоваKristen LautnerГабриэла МонтезАрина ПоляковаИлья СапаевStalker NastoyauiyЗак ЭфронТатьяна БеловаAshley TisdaleАташка УшановаDayna GomezlolТрой БолтонБелова ТанюшаSelena GomezАнастасия ШевскаяКсения РябоваАлексей КотовTristan KlierДиана ФоминаJastin BieberСеленачка ГомесМакар ЦыпушкинАндрей ЛитвиненкоИрина ТихоноваZac EfronОлеся ПавловаЛера ТрипадушКатюха ТюльковаZac EfronDiana RollywoodSharpey EvansЯрослава ХомаАлександр БородачDemetria-Devonne Demi-LovatoСашенька ЕфремоваVanessa HudgensКристинка ЛюбимоваСелена ГомесНастя КотоваЛера ФроловаШарпей ЭвансНастя НемиловаВанесса-Энн ХандженсКарина ОлдриджВанесса МироноваЕкатерина ВолковаВанесса ХадженсАлександр БарскихДеми ЛоватоВанесса ХаджесВанесса ХадженсVanessa HudgensШпионки Звёздные-ДевочкиВанесса Хадженс

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