Дмитрий Воронов

Был в сети 03:03:14 03.10.2024 с android
No matter where you go, everyone's connected.
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 4 Августа 1997
Пол: Мужской
Город: Минск
VK: murengon
Личные интересы
Любимые книги: For Whom the Bell Tolls
О себе: Я часто смотрю в потолок, но в основном в пол, иногда бывает смотрю по сторонам, а сейчас смотрю на этот афигительный стол! (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳
Любимые цитаты:
You ever feel just so nostalgic? Those nights where you actually like recalling old memories for some odd reason. These little things that take you back to that specific night/day, season or year. Songs, colognes/perfumes, whatever the case may be to bring you back to that moment, that one moment that happen so suddenly, and you never knew how lucky you were to have it thinking back.. Graduation, concerts, house parties, a night out with friends, past lovers, nothing can ever bring that feeling back, and all you have are these memories of the moments you shared with this particular person/group of friends, acknowledging that you may never cross paths again. But it's ok, because in your heart you know everything will be fine, and some things are meant to be experienced once. Cherish life people, its the only one we all get.

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