George Constantinou

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Основная информация
Дата рождения: 16 Ноября 1977
Пол: Мужской
Город: Doncaster
VK: gconstantinou
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Orthodoxy
Вдохновляют: Molon Labe
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Muay Thai, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Off Roading, American Bullies
Интересы: Muay Thai, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Suzuki samurai, Jeep Wrangler, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota FJ Cruiser
О себе: MUAY THAI ARJARN ( Master ) BOXING A CLASS TRAINER DIRECTOR OF UNITED STATES MUAY THAI ASSOCIATION IN EUROPE TRAINER OF NATIONAL MUAY THAI TEAM MAXIMUM NUTRITION EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTOR BREEDER OF ENGLISH STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS & AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS Arjarn George Constantinou began studying Muay Thai at the early age of nine years old under the guidance of the great fighter and instructor of Muay Thai Art, Master Sok. In 1997 Arjarn George Constantinou opened the first Muay Thai Club in Nicosia -Agios Dometios, maybe the first Muay Thai Club in Nicosia. Since then, he has become a qualified instructor in alliance with the Cyprus Muay Thai Association and the Cyprus Olympic Committee. In 2001, he spent a month in Thailand training under the supervision of some of the world’s best Muay Thai trainers at the Official World Muay Thai Council Camp (WMC) in Ko Samui. There, he was under the guidance of Master Sok, Master Hanarong and Stephan Fox. After much hard work and training, he traveled to Kazakhstan, Astana, where he placed third in the World Muay Thai championship, IFMA, with corner man Mark Hunt, the 2001 K-1 World Champion. In 2003 he spent 40 days at the Pattaya Muay Thai Camp. There, he studied the ancient forms of Muay Thai, such as Muay Thai Boran and Muay Caat Cherk , training with the best the Art of Muay Thai has to offer. Following this preparation and training, he travelled to Greece where he won the World Kick Boxing Title in Oriental Style. In 2009 spent a whole month to the official Muay Thai Institute recognized from the Ministry Of Education of Thailand, training with some of the best masters in Muay Thai like master Noe master Moeb master Moyd and get the official recognized certification of Muay Thai Instructor from the Ministry Of Education in Thailand. He has won many titles in Local and International Area Championships. Some of his titles include: National Muay Thai Champion 1998-1999-2000-2001-2002-2003 3rd Place World Championship 2001 Kazakhstan (I.F.M.A.) 2nd Place Night of Champions 2001(U.K.) 1st Place Thai Boxing Gala 2002 (Cyprus) 2nd Place Thai Boxing Gala 2002 (Holland) Arjarn George Constantinou has not only researched training and the art of Muay Thai, but has also studied ways of producing better athletes. By doing specialized seminars and courses such as cardiovascular seminars and fitness seminars, Judge and Referee Seminars he has achieved certification as an instructor for the following: Life Fitness Cardio Muscular and Resistance Training Instructor North Academy of Fitness Instructor. Arab Muay Thai Federation Judge and Referee Arab Muay Thai Federation Recognized Instructor International Muay Thai Federation Amateur Judge and Referee (IFMA) European Muay Thai Federation Judge and Referee (EMF) Cyprus Muay Thai Federation Judge and Referee International Recognized Kick Boxing A Class trainer (WASKO) WK1 International Recognized Instructor with Black Belt and 5 Dan’s (WASKO) In 2007 he became the official representative for Unite States Muay Thai association for Cyprus and Greece. In 2010 he spent 3 weeks to the official Muay Thai University of Thailand, the Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University recognized from the Ministry of Education in Thailand, training with some of the best masters in Muay Thai like Charnchi S. Dharmmarangsri ( Lumpini Stadium Champion in 1985,1986,1987,1989) Samrarndej M. Rajabhat Muban Chombueng (Ratchadamnern Stadium Champion in 2002, 2006, 2007,World Muay Thai Council Champion 2009 in Japan There he got the official recognized certification of Muay Thai Instructor from the Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University and he started also to do a master’s degree from the Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University in Liberal Arts in Muay Thai Study(

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