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Была в сети 21:51:22 31.12.2012 с браузера
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Дата рождения: 22 Июля 1992
Пол: Женский
Город: Texas City
VK: selena_marie_teefey_gomez_corne
Место учёбы: Los Angeles Music Academy
Факультет: Vocals
Antelope Valley High School (AVHS)
Личные интересы
Деятельность: I am American actress, singer, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, best known for portraying Alex Russo in the Emmy Award-winning Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place.I subsequently ventured into feature films and has starred in the television movies Another Cinderella Story, Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, and Princess Protection Program.She made me starring theatrical film debut in Ramona and Beezus. Enhancing my repertoire into the music industry, I am the lead singer and founder of the pop band Selena Gomez & the Scene, which has released two RIAA Gold certified studio albums, Kiss & Tell and A Year Without Rain.I have also contributed to the soundtracks of Tinker Bell, Another Cinderella Story and Wizards of Waverly Place after signing a record deal with Hollywood Records
Интересы: All what I do*
Любимые фильмы: "Friends"
Любимые телешоу: I do not have much time to watch TV(
Любимые книги: About fiction, about love, about animals, about
Любимые игры: I love to play basketball with friends.*
О себе: I was born to Mandy Cornett and Ricardo Gomez on July 22, 1992. At a young age, I moved from New York to Grand Prairie, Texas.I started out on "Barney & Friends" as "Gianna" in 2001 where I really discovered my talent. Unfortunately, they dropped me from the series after just two years. In 2003, I had a very small role in the movie Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over and a bit part in 2005 when I played "Julie" in Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (TV) with Mitchel Musso and in 2006 as "Emily Grace Garcia" in Brain Zapped (TV) when I recorded a song for the movie. She she guest starred as "Gwen" in "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" and as Hannah's rival, the 'evil' "Mikayla", in "Hannah Montana" .My amazing talent landed my roles in two Disney series, both spin-offs. Unfortunately, neither show was picked up until 2007 when I got the role of "Alex Russo" in the magical series "Wizards of Waverly Place" which I auditioned for three times. In March 2008, I made her first animated movie Horton Hears a Who! and later starred in Another Cinderella Story (V) with Disney Channel star Andrew Seeley for ABC Family. My two Disney Channel Original Movies Princess Protection Program (TV), with real-life BFF Demi Lovato, and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie (TV) will both air Summer 2009
Любимые цитаты:
"Always be yourself, there's no one better!","I once said," Dad, I want a ring of purity. "He wentto church and received the blessing. He thinks that I can apply the example to young people. I'm going to hold back my promise, I want to be honest with yourself, my family and God ","I really do not like to dress up. Some peopleprobably think that if you're an actress, so shoulddress up. I almost always go in jeans ","I'm going to be in a band and not be mixed uparound itself. And I do not want to be a solo artist.Basically I want to make a fun music that will befun and children, and parents. Just to have a good time ","I've never been one of those girls who try toimitate others and be like them in appearance. I think you look better if you're in the side of the masses "

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Макс ОлейникМира ГерманВасилиса РомановаSelenka GomezДиана БадретдиноваSlav JokerСеля КотоваЕкатерина ЛисАлёна АкероваDELETED Александра МахроваВиктория КапланАртём АкеровСтас БирюковАнастасия НемцеваDELETED Артём МахаловАлина МартэнДжастин-Дрю БіберAnka AvetisyanАлина ВеликоростАнтон БутманАнна КуракТаня ЛипакКристина СоколоваМаксим ВолковКирилл ФомичевЮля КотоваDELETED Настя КотоваМаксим КузнецовВалерия МостовенкоАрина КотоваНастя ЯкунинаDELETED Алина АвдееваМария ТрубецкаяDELETED Ваня ЛевитанJustin BieberМакс МироновМаксим КотовНадя СкомороховаJoe JonasНаталья ЗаяТема ЦарьАнгелина ЦарьJasten BiberАлексей ГромовПолина КорсуковаВика ЛаппаТёма БлинчиковКсения АнтоноваВиктория ЮрьевнаМакс ПошляковEshgina KotovaSelena GomezАлена ВоронинаВлада МокиенкоDolce NevskayaАйбулат ХалиловJoe JonasDELETED Сергей ВасиленкоВика БажуковаКатя АкероваНастя МироноваЕвгения КрасноваТёма ТраховСоня КрасоваСаша ЛюбимовАндрей НапасовMiley CyrusМаксим ГалкинДарья ГромИрина ДмитриеваSelena GomesСеленка ГомесДанил ШевченкоАртем СмирновТёма КотовДмитрий РогозинАлёна КотоваDELETED Кристина КугаевскаяРегина ВиноградоваСтанислав МариевичDELETED DELETED Ольга ФирсоваПолина ЦарьНика ХоменкоАртемий ТретьяковТимур БатрудиновАлсу ЛосьSamanta BlumВика ИльчишинаDELETED Аня КотоваВиктория АсееваВладислав КотовDELETED Кристина ПименоваКатя КотоваNick JonasКристина ЧернякТёма КотовТёма БлинчиковSelena GomesВалентина ЛукащукТёма КотовНик ДжонасЮлия СмирноваМилана ГромоваСтас РешетневНик ДжонасDylan SprouseDylan SprouseТёма ЦарьСаша ШвецMr PrezidentЛёля МакаренкоМария ВолковаNik JonasАнгелина ВетроваMiley CyrusАня БлинчиковаДарья ОботинаБонни БеннетNicole AndersonАлина ЖуковскаяЮрий РажиевSelenka BieberАлинка ЦарьАлександра КузьминаLogan-Phillip HendersonDELETED Даша ЛимбергSelena GomezDemi LovatoЛуиза ИсламгуловаSellka JonasЕкатерина ТихоноваАнастасия АлексееваSelena GomesКира ЖуковаЛенка МироноваСерёжа ПынзарьSelena GomezАртём ПошляковMark RomanovRonan ParkeЮлия МироноваАся МироноваАртём РимерАнька ВишневскаяТаисия ФилатоваЕкатерина ИвановаИван БулдаковDELETED DELETED Анна ФроловаАлександра АфонасьеваSelena GomezАндрей ТихоновJustin BieberАлекс ХолодМаша КотоваSelena-Sexy GomezJoe JonasТёма БиберСтас КотовАлександра ТалецкаяTaylor SwiftТатьяна ГорбачеваМиша СтарковSelena Mari-GomezВасилиса ЯблочнаяЖанна КосенкоМэвис ДракулаМария МагдалинаАнтон МартыновДимка ДолматовJustin Bieber

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