Victor-J Smith

Был в сети 14:12:06 21.07.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 27 Февраля
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: всё сложно
Город: Cardiff
Skype: victor1966
VK: id178342205
Личные интересы
Деятельность: To meet up with new friend that will cherish me well.and like to try new things on my own too.
Интересы: I need a friend with a good personality, someone that can make a difference in my life coz I am willing to do the same since it goes both ways, it can actually be the difference between Life and Death in many ways and if they make little difference, or no difference at all, they are not a good friend. A true friend means the world to you, and will naturally change you for the better. I’m the kind of person that likes listening to be friend that’s why I want you to feel free when chatting with me cos I know we humans aren’t perfect but at least we can do our best to be perfect by doing the right things at the right time. I like reading and outdoors activities like fishing, hiking and camping but I haven’t been going out lately cos there’s no one to go out with, I don't screech I also converse slower and more pointedly kind of like you do to a foreign person that doesn't understand you just without the hand gestures, I'm happy when I'm sleeping. I get more sleep when I'm tired. In loving kindness, compassion, joy and peace. We can only find this in our self through our own efforts.
Любимые фильмы: 0 Star Wars series, Twilight movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings series, Star Trek movies, Saw, The Matrix, Titanic, 300 A Streetcar Named Desire, Ahh a classic, Little Man Tate, M*A*S*H, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pan's Labyrinth, Pink Panther series, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pulp Fiction, Pursuit of Happyness, , Reefer Madness, Reservoir Dogs, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Saw, Scarface, Schindler's List, Secretary, Seven Pounds, Shrek, Signs, Some Like it Hot, star Trek movies, Star Wars series, Superbad, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, The Life of David Gale, The Lord of the Rings series, The Matrix, The Never-ending Story, The Notebook, The Passion of the Christ, The Shining, The Terminator, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Любимые телешоу: l have several boxed sets of shows from that era that I watch. Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men....that is it almost anything else is crap in my opinion...I will have to see what this new year of tv will have to offer if there is anything worth watching.I love the Swiffer commercials with songs like "Baby, Come Back". It makes me want to listen to the original songs and others like "Missing You" by the Rolling Stones. All three CSIs, both NCISes, The Forgotten, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Numb3rs, Smoking Gun Presents the World'd Dumbest..., Police Chase shows, All three Law & Orders when none of the above are on opposite them, Forensic Files, several others. One of my passions are crime solving movies and books.
Любимые книги: 0 My favorite author and series of all would be Piers Anthony with his Xanth series. I read TONS of books, mostly SciFi, followed by fantasy, and then some mystery books. And a smattering of other miscellaneous books. Other authors/books would be the Discworld series (Prattchet), Kim Harrison's series that starts with The Outlaw Demon Wails, and a few others that I can't think of right at the moment. I really like urban fantasy except when it strays too close toward the realm of paranormal romance which I consider to be like Harlequin Romances with a few vampires thrown in. Simon Green, Glen Cook, Jane Yolen, Megan Lindholm, Robin Hobb, Alan Dean Foster, Alan Campbell, Orson Scott Card, Lord Dunsany- all are wonderful fantasy writers. Fletcher Pratt and L Sprague De Camp's series The Compleat Enchanter is wonderful, I love biographies, but only of those who have actually achieved something, not these celebrity ones that come out when the 15 yo actress has been performing for 3 years, or a footballer writes on his career- PLEASE
Любимые игры: football and playing soccor games at time.
О себе: I will always see or find the positive before allowing the negative to take control , I don't sit around complaining of a life that didn't or doesn't measure up, when I had or have the same choices of those whom may be better off by a material standard, regardless of situation achievements can be made ... and they are measured by values of life, not values of property ... I don't dwell on self pity when there are many others who need those thoughts and actions more I love all children . I like to describe myself as who I truly am, and not just be the personified of the general character traits and stereotypes. I can particularly describe myself as...Dedicated: I care about my work and my reputation.Conscientious: I try to use faith as an important step of my life as something that I do indeed use to guide me.Worth-while, I try to inspire and change others making my life worth living. My life is worth-while as long as I get to appreciate the diversity of others. I'm Always smiling, laughing. Serious when it comes to work. I love to make friends, I don't take the time to make enemies. I would be the one to tell you if your fly is down, or if you have food stuck between your teeth
Любимые цитаты:
reaching to most highest top in life.

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