Panayiotis Bassili

Был в сети 23:20:18 09.11.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Город: Sydney
VK: id184034350
Личные интересы
Деятельность: My real name is Robert Basilli and I was convicted of fraud in Australia. I wasted over $7million dollars of innocent people's money. I wanted to be a celebrity so I conned other celebrities and innocent families so I could be a somebody. I drove Ferraris, sponsored football teams and lived in extravagent mansions paid for by other people. My actions destroyed the lives of many, but I did cop a beating from an Australian boxing champion from whom I tried to steal more money from. When the money ran out I fled Australia to the Ukraine and tried to set up more businesses which I have no knowledge about and made claims of having offices in Kiev, Sydney and Moscow when this is not true. This is what I did in Australia. You can read about it in the links below. I was apprehended at Heathrow airport several years later trying to return to Australia. For more information about my past please google Robert Bassili and Raddison Maine. After being convicted, I spent 2 years in a minimum security prison in Australia. I am now selling technology services again in the Ukraine. Furthermore my training claims, accreditations and qualifications are all false. My website also does not work for fear of being caught again I am writing to you to warn you about myself as I am criminal and I cannot help myself. Please do not associate yourself me. Thank you

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