Lucio Minghetti

Был в сети 15:53:43 12.08.2014 с браузера
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Пол: Мужской
Город: Ravenna
VK: id194830190
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Деятельность: BLACK SOUND EMPIRE GENRE : POST HARDCORE/ POST METAL MEMBERS : Andrea Fioravanti[guitar], Stefano Bombardini[drums], Lucio Minghetti[guitar], Ra aele Marra[bass], Marco Toni[vocal]Alessio Casadio{sinth] RELEASES: SISMA, Noiseheadrecords/2013, THIS THEN SILENCE EP, selfproduct/ 2010 LABEL: Noiseheadrecords [] SISMA : Nine songs of pure Post Hardcore and Post Rock with the production of the acclaimed ANDREW SCHNEIDER best know for working with bands like : CAVE IN, UNSANE, PELICAN, CONVERGE, ZOZOBRA, THE OCEAN and CANDIRIA and SPYLACOPA'S guitar player, JOHN LA MACCHIA at the Translator Audio studio in Brooklyn USA. Many influences blended, from Glassjaw to Refused, from Deftones to American head charge, from Isis to Neurosis made possible this sonic experience. BIOGRAPHY Black Sound Empire started in 2009. Only now they are ready to develop his thoughts in a full lenght . BLACK SOUND EMPIRE is a six elements band, they comes from Italy and they play a true and emotional Post Hardcore that move into a Doomy electro Post Rock, with lyrics about love and tragedy. The sound is mainly based on aggressive, melodic and raw guitars, a polyhydric drums & claustrophobic bass mood, lot of synths and lot of technological substrates, meanwhile an extraordinaire voice leads into a smooth & unreal dimension. Passion and romances are loving together on a depressed songwriting that is focused on thoughtful-brilliant-everyday-life lyrics and lovely refrains. The album SISMA is produced by the world famous producer ANDREW SCHNEIDER best know for working with bands like : CAVE IN, UNSANE, PELICAN, CONVERGE, ZOZOBRA just to name few and the guitarist of the legendary band CANDIRIA, JOHN LA MACCHIA at the Translator Audio studio in Brooklyn USA. The band trademark is a violent and deep live set where the chaos and shivers walks the stage in front of a speechless crowd, gig after gig. In the mid 2012 they signed with Noiseheadrecords, ready to release their first full length called SISMA. Currently working on europen tours to promote SISMA. CONTACTS [ management +393391010576] SITE :
Интересы: black sound empire

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