Основная информация Дата рождения: 13 Февраля 1998 Пол: Женский Семейное положение: не замужем Контакты Город: Jakarta Skype: bernadeta.widiastuti VK: bernadetawidiastuti | |
Личные интересы Любимые фильмы: Zombie, Final Destination, Doraemon, Harry Potter, Horror film, The Avengers Movie, Titanic, Twilight, Breaking Down, Scooby-Doo, Home Alone, Resident Evil, Avatar О себе: Hello guys, This is me, Bernadeta Ajeng Ayu Widiastuti. You can call me Deta. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia precisely in the country. My age 14 years. I was in junior high school the ninth grade. I really liked the music. My hobby is singing and playing musical instrument. No one thaught me about music and singing. Its all just from my own talents. |