Carlos Pena

Был в сети 13:35:31 07.08.2013 с браузера
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Дата рождения: 15 Августа 1989
Пол: Мужской
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id197982134
Личные интересы
О себе: Was born August 15, 1989 in Columbia Misurri staff. He was raised in Weston, Florida. His mother is Dominican and Spanish descent, and his father Venezuelan. Carlos started singing since childhood and prisoydenilsya the chorus boys in the musical theater. When doing vocals, Pena started learning to play the guitar piano. First Steps Carlos get into show business, it was a job for «SuperSoaker» vodyanyhpistoletov company, where he appeared in numerous national commercials ibyl on the package «SuperSoaker. When there was an opportunity to get to listen «BigTimeRush» and Carlos did not pass by this opportunity, and with all my strength began to prepare. He was engaged in the first year at the Boston Conservatory, and soon went naproslushivanie. Thanks to the tenacity of Carlos and his manager, Foam with honors passed all the tests and listening to BTR. "I was delighted kogdamne called and said that I was" - says Carlos. "I'm so glad to be on this show. It will be an amazing experience to further improve their singing, and be funny and fun part of the TV show "- added Pena. Carlos hopes to someday perform on Broadway. And being one of the few Hispanics to receive the award for Best Actor at the Oscars. Carlos likes to spend his free time in snorkeling and diving. Interesting facts about Carlos! ● Favorite flower: Rose! ● Favorite book: "Into the Wild"! ● First Kiss: In 13y.o.! ● Favorite animal: Monkey! ● Favorite sport: Hockey! ● Favorite Froot Loops cereal ● Favorite celebrity: Megan Fox! ● Favorite superhero: The Hulk! ● Favorite color: Purple. ● Favorite candy: Gushers ● Favorite TV show: «Modern Family»! ● Favorite fast food: «Sharky's Burritos»! ● My favorite episode of BTR: Big Time Mansion! ● Favorite band Train ● Favorite football team: Dolphins Career. The first regular role of Carlos, was working on the Nickelodeon channel in the TV series "School of survival." "Get on Nickelodeon for me was a great honor and a nice boost for a career" - said Carlos! In addition, he was a guest star on 'ER', «Fair Amy" and "Summerland student." Carlos also participated in the show MTV, where he was among the last of nine members, who claimed to be in the next Menudo.Posle all these projects have got the role of Carlos Pena Garcia in "Big Time Rush." He's hope to bring a multi-dimensional aspect of the character of Garcia, "He a tough guy with a fun personality and is different from all the other guys," said Pena. "But when he gets into a recording studio, this sweet side comes out and sings romantic ballads for the ladies." Since 2009, Karlosbyl completely immersed in the APC, but after the shooting of Season 2 "Big Time Rush" in 2011 on May 20, he starred in 2 show «BrainSurger» and «Littele

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