Arnold Dickson

Был в сети 18:27:14 27.03.2013 с телефона
i think she is wonderful...
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 2 Марта
Пол: Мужской
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id199835471
Место учёбы: University of Southern California
Факультет: Viterbi School of Engineering
Год окончания: 1995
South Philadelphia High School
Жизненная позиция
Главное в жизни: семья и дети
Отн. к курению: негативное
Личные интересы
О себе: I suppose I could say that I am a Renaissance man by that I mean...I am always learning and stretching my mind.i have a daughter (sharon) and am also a single parent to her,i love her more than anything anyone could ever imagine,she is both my best friend and my loving little girl,am a man who is willing to show his deepest feelings to the right woman...bare my soul and reveal my innermost dreams and desires. I am an extrovert by nature...but private about love and protective about the ones I love--I will always have your back. I am romantic and once given, my love grows and deepens. I will always want to hold your hand...look into your eyes...and tell you how much you mean to me-- this is natural for me. I am not a passive participant in life and to that end I enjoy playing a sport rather than watching it...give me or fencing...throw in running and good loving and I am a happy well balanced man. I am funny to the point of causing you stomach pains...and wise in words. I know when to be serious and when to be silly...and I never miss the moments that count...or the moments you should never have to explain.. I want a woman who is comfortable being a woman , I love being a man--and I celebrate the differences...She must be loyal and honest to the point of it being a fault-if such a thing were possible. She must know how to be conversational and intellectual one moment and sensual or silly the next...and never seeing those states as being at odds with each other. I am looking for a partner--an equal in spirit...and a passionate companion...willing to explore both worlds of love and adventure with similar interest. She must be my friend in every sense of the word, but never forget that we must be gentle with each other for we have so much more. She must be smart...and understanding...loving to me always--to the rest of the world she can be the Winter's wind. She must be my calm spot in the island of sanctuary where I can rest my mind and I will be this to her as well. She must know that life has it's Zigs and Zags...and know that the only people who get from point A to B are the steady plodders in life and like myself...she meets the world with a grin.. I’m a Civil Engrr but into international commodity trading and ship chartering. These companies tend to take up much of my focus but I’m also looking to devote my energies into finding that special someone.I’m an amiable person with much to offer and a lot to give. I gravitate towards those who share my attributes, and I’m looking for someone of substance who also has the capacity for romance.During my personal time, I try to maintain a varied and diverse lifestyle. I enjoy dining out (French cuisine being a particular favourite) and evenings spent perusing art galleries, trips to the theatre, cinema and socialising with friends. I also possess that rare male characteristic of actually enjoying shopping.
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You can run my name all through the dirt, I'll still come out clean. You really have to beat me to win this title fight because am wearing my championship belt soo tight

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