Xlnc Aman

Был в сети 20:14:05 16.05.2014 с телефона
"What Goes Around Comes Backs Around"
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 2 Октября
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
Город: Ludhiana
VK: id203061487
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (бакалавр)
Год окончания: 2012
Vidya Mandir Senior Model School 2002-2004
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: социалистические
Мировоззрение: Secular Humanism
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: семья и дети
Отн. к курению: компромиссное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: If Only, A Walk To Remember
Любимые книги: The Alchemist, 11 Minutes, A Walk To Remember, Blood Diamond
Любимые игры: Need for Speed Most Wanted
О себе: ........................................................................................ Tryin Practical & Prudent Ambitious & Disciplined Patient,Careful & Honest Humorous & Reserved...! ........................................................................................ I always wander as to wht i should write about me . . . I am not a person who is a virtuoso or born with a silver spoon. Neither I am a prodigy who has made his family/ friends really proud of something that they can feel or talk or spread. But one thing I really know is that everybody around me will cry when i will die. As an opportunist I think that what I have not acheived is not because of my bad luck or sometimes what we people say it was written but i will say that was mismanaging the control at that time... I beleive that nothing is scripted in life, everything is directed by us in our life in which we are the actors. Be it love, lust, hatred, girlfriend, goals, aim. money - u always have the right to go against the written (as we say) flow and try to acheive what u desire..... Do it or Die.... & Dats y I Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob others Happiness I Juss borrow..! Even if my heart is growing cold Always trying to Hide my feelings If it Disturbed someone..! & from the people that I know and everywhere I go I'm trying to lay low..! Can't afford to get in no trouble because I'm on parole..! I'm trying to live life right God knows with all my might But I'm just barely getting by Cuz all way too tight And I can say this right The struggle and the fight weakin' all the muscles in my body like kryptonite Making me feel like there is no other way..! Always Living and praying for a better day...So! I Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's my Life everyday..! .................................................. £vêrÿ†hîñ9 †êlls mê †hㆠI m ãbõµ† †õ mãkê ã wrõñ9 dêçîsîõñ , bµ† mãkîñ9 mîs†ãkês îs jµs† Þãr† õƒ lîƒê . Whㆠdõês †hê wõrld wãñ† õƒ mê ? Ðõês î† wãñ† mê †õ †ãkê ñõ rîsks , †õ 9õ bãçk whêrê I çãmê ƒrõm bêçãµsê I dîdñ'† hãvê †hê çõµrã9ê †õ sãÿ 'ÿês' †õ lîƒê ? I'vê rêãlîsêd †hㆠsõmê†îmês ÿõµ 9ê† ñõ sêçõñd çhãñçê ãñd †hㆠî†'s bês† †õ ãççêÞ† †hê 9s †hê wõrld õƒƒêrs ÿõµ . ؃ çõµrsê î†'s rîskÿ , bµ† îs †hê rîsk ãñÿ 9rêã†êr †hãñ †hê çhãñçê õƒ mêê†îñ9 wî†h ãñ ãççîdêñ† ? Iƒ I mµs† bê ƒãî†hƒµl †õ sõmêõñê õr sõmê†hîñ9 , †hêñ I hãvê , ƒîrs† õƒ ãll , †õ bê ƒãî†hƒµl †õ mÿsêlƒ . Iƒ I'm lõõkîñ9 ƒõr †rµê lõvê , I ƒîrs† hãvê †õ 9ê† †hê mêdîõ&
Любимые цитаты:
''It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed'' ''If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes'' ''The future depends on what we do in the present'' ''Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine'' ''It's better to burn out than to fade away'' ''Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom'' ''The essential thing is not knowledge, but character'' ''Reputation is what men and women think of us..character is what God know of us'' ''Only 1 thing which hits u...u feel no pain and dat z MUSIC... Bob Marley...'' ''What Goes Around...Comes Back Around''

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