Faye Salvatore

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Дата рождения: 9 Ноября 1993
Пол: Женский
VK: f.salvatore
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Деятельность: THE PRESENT: Years breezed by since Faye Salvatore was turned, and she now has everything under lock — how to control her thirst, how to blend in without being caught, how to compell people, etc… It’s surprising, even for herself, that she decided to come visit Mystic Falls out of all the places she could’ve turned to, but it almost seemed as if something was luring her in. Telling herself that this trip is just for shits and giggles and that she’d move on the second she got bored, she has no idea about how wrong she is. Only arriving a few days ago, Faye still hasn’t made an attempt to explore just yet. Things seem a little off, and the brunette finds it strange that there’s a sense of nostalgia to the town, despite it being her first time coming here. She has no clue that she has brothers and grew up thinking that she was the only child. There’s bitterness when she thinks about the parents that gave her up, but also a hint of curiosity. There’s not a day goes by that she doesn’t wonder who they really were. She met up with kol mikaelson again. ( + ) Independent, loyal, determined. ( - ) Bitchy, lethal, vulnerable. KOL MIKAELSON - The two previously had a romantic relationship prior to Faye’s death. Faye was blinded by his charms, and while Kol was impressed by her sharp tongue and fierceness, he was only using her as a blood bag. Before leaving New York City, he decided to turn her into a vampire so that they would run into each other in the future. Kol isn’t one to turn down fun. STEFAN & DAMON SALVATORE - Damon was there to witness the birth of Faye in the hospital, but he and Stefan was later informed by their father that she didn’t ‘last long’. Believing she was dead for all these years, they both never bothered to bring it up again. The one thing they know is her name. They now know there little sister.

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