Agent Represents

Была в сети 17:20:43 20.12.2017 с iphone
We are scouting for models.. Males and females all around the planet.. Those interested, contact us ..
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Город: Athens
VK: agentrepresents
Личные интересы
О себе: LEADING INTERNATIONAL AGENCY for CREATIVES / PRODUCTION / MODELS / CHARACTERS ______________________________________________ photographers stylists make-up artists nail artists hair stylists illustrators film directors creative + art directors set designers production services & crews equipment & in-house studio rentals castings models charakters MODELS DIVISION: +30 2109626572 +30 6937788331 BASED IN ATHENS, GREECE OPERATING WORLDWIDE SOON DEPARTMENTS IN LONDON & MOSCOW YOU CAN NOW, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AGENCY'S NEWSLETTER AT OUR SITE'S HOME (U/C) PAGE AND GET INFORMED ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT'S GOING ON! * AGENCY PAGE & BLOG, UNDER CONSTRUCTION * Facebook: PRODUCTIONPARADISE: The AgentRepresents team… —---------------------------------- Alex Karmios (agency director – creatives division) Gregory Karydis (administration & equipment division) Elena Georgiou (administration - models division) Gözde Zay Michou (international booker - models division) Nasos Koutzoukis (London department) Chris Voreos (scouter & administration) Marina Charalambous (administration & P.R.) Liana Gouma (advertising & P.R.) Elena Nikolouzou (marketing & H.R.)

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