Алла Максим

Была в сети 19:55:26 14.10.2017 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 13 Ноября
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: не замужем
Город: Новосибирск
VK: id21883280
Место учёбы: НГТУ (НЭТИ)
Факультет: Автоматики и вычислительной техники
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Год окончания: 1988
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: Спецназ ямакаси 13 район улётный транспорт американские пироги, ____________________ _____`Y8888888888888 8P"""""""""""baaa, __ _____, 88888888888888 8, , ___________, adP""""" """"""9888888888P""^ ____________________ _^""Y888888888888888 8I, ________, a8"^_______ ___, d888P"888P^_____ ____________________ ____^"Y8888888888P', _______, a8^_________ ___, d88888'_________ ____________________ ________^Y8888888P', ______a88'__________ _, dPAPAP'___________ ____________________ __________I88P"^, ____, d88___________d 88888P'_____________ ____________________ _________"b, , ___, d88'___________d 888888'_____________ ____________________ ___________`b, , __, d88'___________d8 88888I______________ ____________________ ____________`b, , __d88I___________, 88 88888'______________ ____________________ _____________`b, , _, 888'___________d88 88888__________, d888 88b, ________________ ______________`b, , _d888___________, 888 8888I_________d88888 888b, ___________, d88 88b, ___________`b, , 8888___________I888 8888I________d888888 8888I__________, 8888 8888b___________8, , I8888___________8888 8888b_______d8888888 8888'__________88888 88888b__________8I, d8886___________8888 88888_______Y8888888 8P'___________Y88888 88888, ________, 8b, 88888b__________I888 88888b______`Y888888 8^___________ `Y888888888I________ d88, , Y88888b_________`888 888888b, ______`""""^ ________________`Y88 88888P_______d888I, `888888b________8888 8888888b, ___________ ________________`Y88 88P^________d88888, _Y888888b______, 8888 888888888ba, ________ __________________`" "^_________d888888, _I8888888b, ____, 8888 88888888888888ba, ___ ___d88888888b_______ ________, ad8888888I, _`888888888b, __I8888 888888888888888888b, ____^"Y888P"^_______ ___., ad88888888888I, __88888888888b, `8888 88888888888888888888 b, _____""______ad888 888888888888888888', __888888888888869888 88888888888888888888 88b_, ad88ba, _, d88888 888888888888888888, __888888888888888888 88888888888888888888 888b, `"""^ d8888888888888888888 888888I, __888888888888888888 88888888888888888888 88888baaad8888888888 88888888888888888', __Y88888888888888888 88888888888888888888 88888888888888888888 8888888888888888P, __I88888888888888888 88888888888888888888 88888888P^ ^Y888888888888888888 8888', __`Y8888888888888888 8P888888888888888888 88888888'_____^88888 888888888888
Любимые телешоу: comedi clab nassha rassha дом 2 и
О себе: ..||||||||||. `--------'...........|......................| ..` -------Порву За Близких ------------------------| .... `\_,---------,---------,--------------------| ....../.XXXXXX /'|......../' ...../.XXXXXX /..`\.... /' ..../.XXXXXX./`-------' .../.XXXXXX./ ../.xxxxxx./π
Любимые цитаты:
однако.ЫВА.В рот мне ноги!Адын адын! _____________________ In the summer time when the weather is high you can stretch right up an' touch the sky when the weather's fine you got women you got women on your mind. Have a drink have a drive go out an' see what you can find. If her daddie's rich take her out for a meal if her daddie's poor just do as you feel speed along the lane do a ton or a ton an'twenty five when the sun goes down you can make it make it good in a lay-by. We're not grey people we're not dirty we're not mean we love everybody but we do as we please when the weather's fine we go fishing or go swimming in the sea. we're always happy life's for living yeah ! That's our philosophy. Whenthe winter's here yeah it's party time bring a bottle wear your bright clothes it'll soon be summertime and we'll sing again we'll go driving or maybe we'll settle down if she's rich if she's nice bring your friends an' we'll all go into town

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