Alea Est

Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: влюблён
Город: Санкт-Петербург
VK: ninja_nj
Жизненная позиция
Вдохновляют: But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn't have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don't need that though Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Личные интересы
Интересы: arashi fuku kono machi ga omae wo daku fukinukeru kaze ni sae me wo tojiru omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni

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