Mahlon Phiri

Был в сети 21:51:05 29.09.2013 с браузера
my life is as good as it seems!
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Город: Воронеж
Skype: mahlon.phiri
VK: id225643798
Место учёбы: ВГУИТ (бывш. ВГТА, ВТИ)
Факультет: Экологии и химической технологии
Год окончания: 2018
David Kaunda Technical Secondary School
Личные интересы
Деятельность: cooking, singing and dancing, painting, craft works and designing.
Интересы: making new friends, spending some quality time with friends, having fun going places and knowing new staff......
Любимые фильмы: mainly action movies, horror movies and a little bit of romantic movies, christian movies as well.
Любимые телешоу: not that much into TV..................
Любимые книги: the BIBLE and novels
Любимые игры: need for speed, grand theft auto, fifa and god of war!!!
О себе: Mmmh there is so much to say anyway my life is as good as it seems!!! Am humble, GOD fearing, determined, have a good sense of humour, funny, friendly, selfless. Kind, loving n caring, handsome, shredded, optimistic, focused and well, what more can I say!!
Любимые цитаты:
*If you leave someone at least tell them why, coz what Hurts the most besides been abandoned, is knowing you are not worth an explanation!!*-*distance relationships are the best, it is so sweet seeing to hearts waiting for each other patiently even though they don't get to hug, kiss and see each other physically, but one day they know they will!!*~*if someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy, it doesn't matter how much you love them, you have to let them go!!*~*you know you have made the right decision when there is peace in your heart!!*~*never give up on people who can never go a day without thinking about you!!*the best feeling in life is knowing someone appreciates both your presence and absence!!*~*you never know what you have until you loose it so guard everything that you have preciously!!*~*what hurts the most is loving someone and never having the courage to let them know!!*~*may be GOD wants us to be with a few wrong people so that when the right one comes, we will be grateful of that gift!!*~*when the door of happiness closes another opens but often times we look so long to the closed door that we don't see the one that has been opened for us!!*the best kind of a friend is the kind you can just be with never say a word and then walk away feeling like its the best conversation you've ever had!!*~*it is true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives!!*~*don't get it twisted love is a beautiful thing.

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