Vera Petrova

Была в сети 04:25:38 09.02.2017 с браузера
"I don't care what people say because Michael's a f**king genius" Amy Winehouse
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Город: Boston
VK: id23677890
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: ультраконсервативные
Личные интересы
Деятельность: YOU NAME IT!!!
Интересы: TONS!!!!!!
Любимые фильмы: LOVE in the afternoon [Frank:What does he export and what does he import? Ariane: Oh, he uh - he exports perfume and imports bananas. There's a fortune in it. Do you realize that for one bottle of perfume you get twelve bananas? Frank: Twelve bananas for one bottle of - doesn't sound like such a hot deal to me. Ariane: It's a tiny bottle of perfume and very large bananas. ..... You know who I am, Mr. Flannagan, I'm the girl in the afternoon. ..... I'm susceptible...]; You've got mail, Sense & Sensibility, Someone like you, Pride and Prejudice, When Harry met Sally [I'll have what she is having...:) ]
Любимые телешоу: 60 Minutes, Curb Your Enthusiasm :))), CBS Sunday Morning, America & the Courts - C-Span, Boston Legal, Boston Med, True Crime with Aphrodite Jones
Любимые книги: The Fountainhead, Anthem, Atlas Shrugged, Immortality, Foucault's Pendulum, The Counterlife, The Human Stain, Daniel Deronda, Pride and Prejudice, S l o w n e s s . .
О себе: Who cares?
Любимые цитаты:
What the flowers in the meadow tell me What the animals in the forest tell me What humanity tells me What the Angels tell me What LOVE tells me ....... (Mahler's 3rd) "Working with Michael Jackson was probably the best recording experience of my life. He was totally cool, absolutely professional and a beautiful, beautiful guy. And let’s not forget, he's a MUSICAL GENIUS." Lenny Kravitz "People like Michael come along ONCE IN HISTORY. He's a bonafide superstar." Teddy Pendegrass "When God was giving out talent, He gave ALL of it to Michael Jackson." Kenneth Brian "Babyface" Edmonds "I don't think there's anyone who could approach Michael Jackson for SHEER BRILLIANCE. Every song is PERFECT, every performance MAGNIFICENT." Sir Cliff Richard "[ This] gives us all an opportunity to appreciate the enduring GENIUS of HIS ART but to realize that we have no musician that speaks to all of us and that we haven’t for some time now.......HIS TALENT TOO ENORMOUS to comprehend". Stephen Thomas Erlewine

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