Основная информация Дата рождения: 30 Апреля 1997 Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: в активном поиске Контакты Город: Москва Skype: ****** VK: id237931037 | |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: коммунистические Мировоззрение: Православие Главное в людях: доброта и честность Главное в жизни: наука и исследования Отн. к курению: компромиссное Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное | Личные интересы Деятельность: ***********************, ***************робота*******************, _____88888888888___________________, , ___888888888888888_________________, __888888877777778888________________, _88888877777777788888_______________, 8888887777777777788888888888888_____, 888887777777777777788777777777888___, 88888777777777777777777777777777888__, _88888777777777777777777777777777888_, __8888877777777777777777777777777888, ___888877777777777777777777777777788, ____8888777777777777777777777777788, _____88887777777777777777777777788_, ______888777777777777777777777888__, _______8888777777777777777888888__, ________88888877777777777888888____, _________88888877777888888888_______, __________88888888888888____________, ___________888888888________________, ____________888888__________________, _____________8888___________________, ______________88____________________, ______________8_____________________, ______________!_____________________, _______________!____________________, ________________!___________________, _________________!__________________, __________________!_________________, __________________!________________, _________________!__________________, ________________!___________________, _______________!____________________, ______________!_____________________, ______________!_____________________, _______________!____________________, ________________!___________________, _________________!_________________ Интересы: ☆ ˙ ˙ ·. Muzy4ka, movies, 4uPa-4uPs, Uncle Google, Walking, vidpO4ynok, Carpathians, BOYS, Sports, Volleyball, soft toys, kvitO4ky, chocolate, mOroOyvO, lit-'1 '-, sea, sand, the starry sky, Travel, Ronaldo, Bekham, tElik, rain, mouse teddy, smiley :) dZhZhZhynsy, magazines, Span4 Bob, black and white, soccer, walking in the rain, watch the stars, lie on the grass and dyvAtysya the clouds poems In short romance .... :))) ˙ ˙ ·. ☆ Любимые фильмы: Nevedymka, gladiator, Item destination, After tomorrow, Step forward 1, 2, Ulychnыe dance, Knockdown, Cuddles, Spartacus, forward and up, Saints of slums, Twilight, Amerekanskyy peroh, Very strashnoe cinema, Furious, Men - X, Iron man, Hulk, Hal Boy, Games of reason, 100 devchonok and one in lift, 10 hryaznыh postupkov, King vecherynok, Bryleantovыy polytseyskyy, Plohye even, wild wild West, From sunset to rasveta, I am legend, Armageddon, Good Luck Chuck, Fantastycheskaya chetvёrka, phenomenon, prophet Pryzrachnыy racer Aruzheynnыy Baron, Treasure of the nation, and Anhelы Demonы, Troy, Hrabroe heart, Patriot, Smertelnoe oruzhee, Cheho If they want zhenschynы, peak time, Talisman, Moomin, Shanhayskye knights, Noch in museums, and Asteryks Obelyks, Lara Croft, opasen devices to be used, not capes vыpolnyma, Эkvylybryum, Valkyryya, Apokalypto, Constantine, Devil's Advocate, Skorast 12 rounder, Love in Bolshoi Gorod, no calf, mountaineer, Zvёzdnыe voynы, Zvёzdnыy landing, Zvёzdnыy neighbor Naprehy yzvylynы, type krutыe lyahavыe, crocodile Dundee, Pearl dragon, Эrahon, Vlastylyn rings, Sredzemnomore, Hary Potter, Symsonы, Futurama, anesthesia, Password Fish - sword, Devchonka lutcheho my friend 10 Reasons of My hatred is not detskoe cinema, Hurry loves yzbavytsya As such guy 10 days, Vedmyna mountain alone, heroes, hot chick, Large Stan Zhyvotnoe, Mask, Male to Talk, Large House Mom, Lыsaya nanny XXX 1, 2, Torque, Uboynыy football, Raven, Bleznytsy, Wall, Madagascar, Shrek, Lednykovыy period, Cars, Monsters against prysheltsov, Troe in Kono, transactions with the Devil, Transformerы, Krutыe pepper, College Sex drayf, Evrotur, Molodozhonы, 18 letnyya destvynytsa, The University, Ants in the pants, Buzumnыy scientist, Vzroslыe zabavы, Pyratы karybskoho sea, Teleport, Alexander, Territories detstvynets, women in developing countries, Sosedko, the protection of Bestalkovaya, Legend of Zorro, Dety shpyonov 13- tыy warrior, samurai Poslednyy, August Rush, Dzhumanzhy, Kynkonh, Tarzan, one at home, Krepkyy oreshok, the price of the second, premiums Darwin, K -9, Day of marmot, Hunters for pryvydenyyamy, Brothers Grimm, Mortal race, Adrenalyn, Perevozchyk, Wrestler, Voymya King, Chronicle Narnyy, Poulet neprobyvaemыy, invincible, Prestrelyt 's, City Grekhov, Hychnyk, strange, Commandos, perfumers, super dog, crybaby, Wave Rock, Titanic, Turystas, Saw, 13- tыy ghost, key here âñåõ zhverey 13- tыy raёn, ßìàêàñè, Mortal Kombat, Brother, Sёstrы, Mods, Prymernыy Son, ! ! ! Любимые телешоу: Exclusive =) Âñ ¸ seryalы kotorыe on TNT House-2Tatusevi daughter Schalyvi together Muskie show, info-shock Любимые книги: [... Zviyani wind, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Perfume, Twilight ...] Любимые игры: [... GTA, Sims, Simpsons ...] |