United-Nations Pageants

Была в сети 14:48:57 06.05.2017 с браузера
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Пол: Женский
Город: Kingston
Skype: UnitedNationsPageants
VK: id239651156
Место учёбы: University College of The Caribbean (UCC)
Факультет: Marketing
Год окончания: 2010
Calabar High School
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: консервативные
Мировоззрение: Protestantism
Главное в людях: красота и здоровье
Главное в жизни: развлечения и отдых
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: резко негативное
Вдохновляют: Nelson Mandela and Celine Dion
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Purpose. The purpose of the United Nations Pageants is to give all men or women the opportunity to come together in a pageant setting regardless of their background, to build relationships with other men or women who are working diligently to leave a positive impact in their communities. As the United Nations Pageants delegates come together and share their community volunteer projects, ideas and goals with each other, they become unified as pageant brother/sisters in the United Nation Pageants Family. This sister/brotherhood strengthens them to see beyond their immediate surroundings and situations and extends their service across the globe. As each delegate share ideas of how he/she serves his/her community, he/she and all whom he/she meets will be strengthened and edified because their paths have crossed. Delegates. United Nations Pageants Delegates do not have to fit into a cookie cutter mold of what is preceived to be the ideal pageant men/women with an ideal pageant life. United Nations Pageants delegates come from different backgrounds, have different shapes, sizes, ethnicities, religions and social economic backgrounds. The common thread between the United Nations women/men is their love for and dedication to their families, school, career, marriage and community involvement. The ability to manage and execute the many facets of life with elegance, style and grace make each delegate a winner before he/ she has ever won. In addition to her service obligations to the United Nations organization, each service queen has an area of interest in which she plans to dedicate a portion of her time. Mission. The United Nations Pageants US and International promotes, inspires, and empowers all men/ women to develop and utilize their strengths and inner qualities to positively impact all people throughout the world. Fundamental values of Family, Faith, Community and Wellness are the foundation for the footprints each United Nations Delegate leaves on his/her world. Vision. United Nations delegates are judged on interview, where independent judges ask questions to determine his/ her views on life, family, commitment and passion towards volunteerism and how he/she plans to continue to make a difference regardless of the outcome of the pageant. Although physical fitness is an element of competition, taking pride in one's body is more important than its actual shape or size. Wellness in mind, body and spirit are key elements of the fitness competition. Harmony of these three elements sustains the contestant's ability to serve others. United Nations contestants compete in sports wear and evening wear highlights poise and grace.
О себе: United Nations Pageants The United Nations Pageant has been conceptualized as a prestigious international event, bringing together representatives of a wide range of communities and cultures from all over the Globe; From the world’s most culturally diverse state, our delegates aim to share common values and foster international friendship and understanding. The pageant’s principal objective is to identify and showcase the world’s best tourism/cause ambassadors; those who have the skills, talents and personalities best suited to promote their respective countries in furtherance of tourism, international goodwill and cultural harmony. Apart from a strong emphasis on goodwill/tourism protection programs and destinations promotion, The United Nations Pageant will is also aimed supporting environmental protection via strategized programs. The United Nations Pageant will be held annually. These beauty Kings & Queen will cut across the countries from all six inhabited continents, making the United Nations Pageant truly global in its scope and appeal. Delegates will have the opportunity to visit and enjoy the beautiful state of the Host nation, with its unique range of natural and cultural attractions, as well as other destinations in fascination. It is the organizers’ top priority to make the pageant a meaningful and rewarding experience for all delegates. During their stay they will be assured of VIP treatment, fun-filled holiday activities, and inspirational natural and cultural experiences. To ease the delegates’ burden, the organizers will take care of round-trip air tickets, hotel accommodation, meals, local transportation, personal security and all basic expenditure items. The purpose of the United Nations Pageants is to give all men/women the opportunity to come together in a pageant setting regardless of their background, to build relationships with other men & women who are working diligently to leave a positive impact in their communities. As the United Nations delegates come together and share their community volunteer projects, ideas and goals with each other, they become unified as pageant brother/sisters in the United Nations Pageants Family. This sister/brotherhood strengthens them to see beyond their immediate surroundings and situations and extends their service across the globe. As each delegate share ideas of how he/she serves his/her community, he/she and all whom he/she meets will be strengthened and edified because their paths have crossed. NATIONAL DIRECTORS In our world today, Very few “brands” or entertainment properties considering the global challenges not forgetting the melt down have been able to stay strong and profitable; able to influence and still deliver with lot of energy. In a growing multicultural world, being able to promote the positive images of men and women from different regions of the world, highlighting their backgrounds and what stands each out as a potential state of choice has never been an easy task; much of the success of the United Nations Pageant we owe to our dedicated and committed National Directors.

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