Business Emirates

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Пол: Женский
Город: Dubai
VK: business_emirates_magazine
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Деятельность: “Business Emirates” is the business, property & investment magazine in the Russian language in the UAE. Description Russian Emirates is a Dubai-based Russian publishing house and advertising agency catering to a wide readership of Russian speakers in UAE and abroad. With its solid position in the Russian speaking media market, Russian Emirates provides local customers with exclusive access to the Russian speaking community through publishing, online, media, and outdoor advertising and printing services. • Russian Emirates magazine is a high-end luxury lifestyle publication covering everything from jewellery, watches and fashion to interior design and UAE news. Published and printed in Dubai since 2004 with a 120.000 reader’s auditorium, the magazine contains variety of interesting and useful information about all diversity of industries, services, fashion outlets and entertainment in the UAE, revealing the event-saturated lifestyle of the region. Focusing on hottest fashion trends, watches, perfumes and home accessories, the magazine provides all necessary tools for a pleasant and useful shopping. • East Springs UAE Guidebook is a unique combination of a magazine and Russian language guidebook to the UAE providing up to date information on everything a tourist might need. Updated bi-monthly and targeting business and leisure tourists, this A5 format guidebook is small and easy to carry in any purse! • Business Emirates magazine covers real estate, finance, investments and all sorts of commercial activities within the UAE in Russian. The magazine is published in the UAE since 2005, and provides comprehensive information on real estate, investments, legislative and financial systems, MICE sector, as well as professional consulting, market expert analysis, interior and exterior design and landscaping features. Business Emirates Magazine is a specialized publication for Russian speaking business community, both in the UAE and overseas. As a media-sponsor and significant participant of major investment and property shows Business Emirates Magazine enjoys a wide circulation in the UAE, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other CIS states. • Annual projects printed on behalf of DTCM: Dubai Leisure Guide, Dubai Hotels Guide, Dubai Shopping Guide • Web projects Russian Emirates Publishing is currently involved into six different Internet projects, including the corporate website (, an archive of all published magazines available in Flash online (, a catalogue of resources on UAE in Russian (, a popular web board for the Russian-speaking community in the UAE and abroad (, etc. All websites rank among most visited resources in Russian language about the UAE. • Advertising services Russian Emirates Advertising provides all kinds of businesses with professional advertising support in by Russians, for Russians and in Russian, from brand-creation, promotion, and foreign markets penetration to ads placement in local and foreign Mass Media, brands creation, web-design and polytrophic services. • Printing services Promotion materials, booklets, brochures, etc. • Other Projects Moscow Club is a dynamically growing discount system, with over 100 sponsoring companies across UAE. Today Moscow Club membership consists of over 4, 000 economically active cardholders, including qualified specialists, entrepreneurs and businessmen with their families.

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    Lyubov VolskayaМунир ХалфинTimi DaleЭлина БелковаНаталья РеммерМаксим ЛазаревLuiza KhabibullinaLidia KamyshovaНадежда ЧепиковаДмитрий КовальЯкуб ИсламовОльга КуликоваАлексей КушнаренкоАнита ГулякинаОльга Фролова(Яценко)Artem CosmolifeHashim SiddigEhsan DadvandКлим ПоповШакер ДрубиИльнур ШакирзяновАнна КульганскаяЖанна КоптеловаАсель Абилхамитtrigonia24 MichelКристина ЛысенкоAlena VarnaRussian EmiratesПавел ЮжаковРегина ГалиуллинаИван ЗнаменскийAbuodi HuntГаджи ТахтарбековМия АбрикосоваВиктор АбрамовичИнна КаулинаKristina ShuminaАндрей ИвановМарина ПотаповаБорис БлагушинАндрей КолесниковOlega BelarusSvetlana AleksandrovnaИрина НазароваАлександр ЧужиновЮлия Скавинская-Абдал АалАлександр ВасильевичВиктория АбрамовичИван ЛихойАлексей ВоронинTania GusДмитрий АндросовElla HaatEmirates AcademyНодир РахмановAli MikdadМила НовиковаСветлана УвароваΟксана ΟрловаЯна МустафаАминат МагомедоваИрина ГарасИгорь ВоронинRoman ShchigloОлег ДубининMarouf AlmashrikiOleg NesevryaMarat EfendievАртур ШариповKayra KevinJeanna KarabalinaАлександр Тен-БахваловBrahim CoeurboucheЛюдмила БукшаБахтур ВахидовTahirou YaroМагомед АлиевBen DesignWais AzizМухаммед ТуИрина МихайловскаяΑлександра ΚоноваловаАндрей КалитаMaruf BotirovАйгуль ВершининаСаша-Дубай СафариSouthtravels JltLegal ServicesBakhyt JanabaevnaMuzaffar SherbayevRahman KhanTrad HussainСергей СавицкийАкбар АрыковDyasfurnicraft Furniture N HandicraftMuslima MuazzAbsamc DubaiSavash MuradKhalil FadalahДидар КулбаевMuhammad ZubairAbdel-Rahman KassemJomaa AhmedVip-Luxury Rent-A-Car-V-DubaeΑлена ΑгафоноваОткрытие-Бизнеса-В-Оаэ I--IAzat ChalabayevИрина ЖилинаΚирилл ΚнязевНик ЛикуСергей ТокаревΜихаил ΕрмаковΜихаил ΑнтоновJoujou CherifElena ZhylenkoGolden LineImotors BazaarTian BaolongDarina FlowerЕлена ФилипповаΕгор ΜакаровАмирхан КумыковJannet AydinMichel DuongOn DubaiRacing UaeYakhita SalimovaДимитрий АндроповEleonora BelousovaАмира Аль-БашарАлекс ЛаврадарDima IvanovRose-Alisa FlowersBusiness BearЭльвира ШаяхметоваВасилий СвешниковSergey World-PostМария БрагинаHemalove HhМустафа МустафинImperial-Premium Rent-A-CarТимур ГарифуллинMartin JosephBurj-De-Couture SudakovaJaga RustamovПолина ЗолотаяDubai FerrariClive RodriguesАсия ДубаевнаUltimate ConciergeHassan KhanEvents DubaiKunle TikoloАлександр ГорчаковMustafa SabirVanya SheshliyaConceptyogastudio DubaiВасилиса НагееваВиктория ЛюбимоваDanara FreeholdMustafa SabırKarim RagabMuscovites Russian-Restaurant-And-ClubPraveen PrasadMody LutfiMoscow-Legal-Translation QuotquotBlue DomeDanish AliEvgeniya SugaringParikmaher DubaiGm GmЗарина БахтияроваWafi LuxuryIram SummerClassified ZooRoman DubaiNavneet Kaur

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