John Larette

Был в сети 21:00:27 28.07.2024 с телефона
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 8 Августа
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id24562792
Место учёбы: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Факультет: School of Law
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (специалист)
Год окончания: 2009
Fairfax High School -2001
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: christian
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Running, Working out, snowboarding..
Интересы: Living, reading, track and field, basketball (college), Ukraine, running, biking, badminton.
Любимые фильмы: Chariots of Fire, Ocean's Eleven, Braveheart, The Shawshank Redemption, Patton, Hotel Rwanda, Count of Monte Cristo, Contact, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, any well done drama.
Любимые телешоу: Battlestar Galactica... but now it's over. NCIS Lie to Me
Любимые книги: Pretty much anything that W. Somerset Maugham wrote is amazing, namely "Of Human Bondage." I mean, seriously, when I got done reading it, I didn't want to ever read another book. Contact, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Prisoner of Zenda, The Disposessed, The Songs of Distant Earth, and War As I Knew It, The Painted Veil, The Moon and Sixpence, whatever else I happen to find.
Любимые игры: american football
О себе: I'm told I'm easier to understand if you realize that all my facial expressions and vocal mannerisms are somewhat like Jeff Goldblum's.
Любимые цитаты:
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." -Steve Prefontaine "When you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, quit digging."--Brian Pittelko "If size mattered, cows be eatn' rabbits."--Some random southerner in Arkansas Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course, the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom, as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning. Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason.--Durandal "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person."--W. Somerset Maugham It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real, they are bruised and wounded.--Maugham "In the light of the falling star, Do not cast your eyes afar: Brilliant light, Fading sight- Soon all is back to night."--Asara "The winds of time, Blow sand, so fine, Across my face- To Hide my Disgrace."--Asara "Laziness is a disease." Coach Vaughan "Just shoot it and see what the DNR says."--Andrew T. Moulton

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