Основная информация Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: помолвлен Контакты Город: Chicago VK: blutintphotography | Образование Факультет: Digital Photography Год окончания: 2013 Harrington College of Design специализация: Digital Photography |
Жизненная позиция Главное в людях: власть и богатство Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира Отн. к курению: компромиссное Отн. к алкоголю: положительное Вдохновляют: Gordon Parks | Личные интересы Деятельность: Photography, Running a Small Business Интересы: Chess, Photography, Running a Small Business О себе: What is Blu Tint Photography I'm an independent professional photographer whose work has been on display in museums. A man who ask only that people don't prejudge me without giving me a fair shake, a young man who displays great character and professionalism while producing high quality work for his clients. I provide reasonably priced personalized imagery but not cheap work, because my clients deserve the best. I am an accredited professional photographer who captures product shots, decor, fashion photography, look books, interiors, architectural images, model portfolios just to name a few.... In short I have more than just a great eye, I'm Bonofied. Любимые цитаты: "If dreams are for people who are still asleep & life's for those of us who are awake, while living your life, you might as well make your dreams come true." Lieutenant Norals IV.