Hps-Imperio-Adv-Grizzly-D-Fantas Joohyun-Seorio

Была в сети 01:41:34 16.08.2014 с телефона
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 28 Июня 1991
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: не замужем
Город: Seoul
VK: id254286569
Место учёбы: 동국대학교 (Dongguk University)
Факультет: 예술대학 (College of Arts)
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студентка (специалист)
대영고등학교 (Daeyeong High School) 2007-2010
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: коммунистические
Мировоззрение: Katolik Roma
Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: резко негативное
Вдохновляют: Orangtua
Личные интересы
Интересы: Reading, Writing, Singing, Dancing, Cooking
Любимые фильмы: Harry Potter
Любимые телешоу: EXO Showtime!
Любимые книги: Harry Potter
О себе: S E O H Y U N (서현) Stage Name: The Youngest One SEOHYUN (막내 서현 – maknae Seohyun) Birth Name: Seo Joo-hyun (서주현) Nicknames: Maknae (the youngest one), Seororo, Hyun, Joohyun Position: Lead Vocalist Bloodtype: A Date of Birth: June 28, 1991 Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sibling(s): none Language: Korean (Fluent), English, Chinese (Fluent), Japanese (Basic) Specialty: Piano Casted: 2003 SM Casting System Training Duration: 6 Years 6 Month School: Dongguk University (동국대학교) Department of Theater | graduated from Jeonju Art High School (attended Daeyeong High School) Career: - 2005 ‘Smart Student Uniforms’ ad models (with DBSK) - 2009 Featured with Joo Hyunmi ‘Jjalajjaja (짜라자짜)‘ - 2009 CF ‘Post Cereal‘ (with Sunny, Sooyoung) - 2010 CF ‘Clean and Clear’ (with f(x) Krystal) - 2010 Variety show MBC ‘We Got Married‘ (with CN Blue Jung Yong-hwa) - 2010 OST for MBC drama Kim SooRo ‘It’s Okay Even If It Hurts’ - 2010 Voice Actor for ‘Despicable Me‘ Korean title: ‘Superbad’ (as Edith) - 2010 MV TRAX – ‘Oh! My Goddess‘ TRIVIA The youngest member of SNSD. Being the only child in her family, she feels thankful to gained eight older sisters through SNSD. She is known for her upright personality. Seohyun loves sweet potato so much that she claimed she’d pick sweet potatoes over male. In the make-believe marriage variety show ‘We Got Married’, she was coupled with CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa and they were given the nickname “Sweet Potato Couple”. Her favorite anime is Keroro Gunsou. Seohyun’s favorite male celebrity is Johnny Depp. She also loves manga / dorama Nodame Cantabile. Her idol is UN’s General Secretary Ban Ki-moon. Seohyun hates unhealthy foods. Seohyun went to the same high-school with Yoona (Daeyeong High School) but then she transferred to Taeyeon’s alma mater, Jeonju Arts High School, and graduated there. Now she’s attending Dongguk University’s Department of Art along with Yoona. Seohyun plays piano since she was very young, she started to learn guitar during her participation in ‘We Got Married’.
Любимые цитаты:
"Masalah tak akan selesai jika kita hanya berdiam diri tanpa berusaha menyelesaikannya. So, cobalah untuk selesaikan masalah itu. Jangan takut dengan kegagalan, tapi bayangkanlah sebuah keberhasilan." - Lian Xiao Qing

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