Михаил Батуев

One scotch. One bourbon. One beer.
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
VK: snake713
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: Apocalypse Now; Rumble Fish; The Godfather; Mean Streets; Taxi Driver (1976); Taxi Driver (2017); After Hours; Goodfellas; Casino; A Fistful of Dollars; For a Few Dollars More; The Good the Bad and the Ugly; Once Upon A Time In The West; Duck, You Sucker!; Once Upon a Time in America; Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; The Killing of a Chinese Bookie; Saint Jack; Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; The Element of Crime; The Devil's Rejects; Casablanca; Deerskin; Deer Hunter; Heaven's Gate; Year of the Dragon; Twin Peaks; The Sopranos; Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul; The Little Things; Star Wars I-VI; Lawrence of Arabia; The Warriors; Under the Silver Lake; Boogie Nights; Inherent Vice; Transporting; Blade Runner; Nemesis; The Ninth Gate; Brawl in Cell Block 99; Dragged Across Concrete; Sunset Limited; A Clockwork Orange; Full Metal Jacket; Pi; The Wrestler; Dark Star; Escape from New York; Alien; Predator; Big Lebowski; No Country For Old Men; The Doors; The Hitcher; Mad Max; First Blood; Subway; Le Samouraï; Dog Day Afternoon; Serpico; Museum Visitor; Stalker; El Topo; Zardoz; The Shooting; Ride in the Whirlwind; Easy Rider; The Chase (1966); No Sudden Move; Schindler's List; American Psycho; El Maquinista; Badlands; Zabriskie Point; Welt am Draht; Westworld; The Rover; The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou; The French Dispatch; Pusher; Bronson; Valhalla Rising; Only God Forgives; Incendies; The Incident; Sicario; Reservoir Dogs; Pulp Fiction; Jackie Brown; Kill Bill; Death Proof; The French Connection; Sorcerer; The Battery; The Search for One-eye Jimmy; U Turn; Showgirls; The Equalizer 3; Семнадцать Мгновений Весны; Белое Солнце Пустыни; Civil War (2024)
Любимые цитаты:
Бывает, что ты ешь медведя, а бывает, что медведь ест тебя. Торопись не спеша. Нормально делай - нормально будет.

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