Основная информация Дата рождения: 19 Июля Пол: Мужской Контакты Город: Волгоград VK: id25962876 | Образование Место учёбы: ЧГТУ (бывш. ЧИТИ) Форма обучения: Очно-заочное отделение Статус: Абитуриент Год окончания: 2009 Школа №1 класс "а" |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: либеральные | Личные интересы Деятельность: setting in internet swimming Интересы: in girls Любимые фильмы: antonio banderas Любимые книги: анатомя Любимые игры: фотбол О себе: ____$$$$88888 $$$$$__$$$88888880$$_________ ____$$$88880000088888$$8880000000888 8$$$_____ __$$888000000000000$$888000000000008 8888$$___ _$8800000000000000$$880000 00000000000888$$$$_ _$8000000000000000$88000000000000000 00888$$$_ $80000 00000000000$80000000000000000000888$$$$ $8000000000000000$800000000000000000 00888$$$$ $8000000000000000$800000000000000000 08888$$$$ _$80000000000000 00800000000000000008888$$$$$_ __$800000000000000000000000000000888 $$$$$$___ ___$80000000000000000000000008888$$$ $$$$_____ _____$88000000000000000000 0888$$$$$$$$$______ _____$$88000000000000000088$$$$$$$$_ _________ ______ _$$88000000000000088$$$$$$_____________ _________$$88000000000888$$$$$______ _________ ___________$$88800000088$$$$________ _________ _____________$$$ 8880008$$$$__________________ ________________$$$8808$$$__________ _________ __________________$$888$$___________ _________ ____________________$$$8$_ _____________ People with green eyes have the most passion put into relationships, honest and trust worthy, they have long lasting relationships. People with green eyes are also the most beautiful, are fun and outgoing, love to make people laugh, and random as ever. They long for the touch of another. They are very laid back. People with green eyes are very VERY sexy and very attracted towards other people. LOVES to have fun. They are always up for a challenge. As a fire ball this person will always have you guessing. Yet they draw you in with their amazing personality. THE BEST KISSER YOU WILL EVER MEET. You never want to let go of this person. Tend to cover up true feelings, get scared over relationships. You will meet/stay with the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with if you repost this . Любимые цитаты: The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.
The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.
The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.
The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold |