Основная информация Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: не женат Контакты Город: Parit Raja VK: id26214097 | Образование Место учёбы: Victoria University of Wellington Факультет: Commerce Форма обучения: Очное отделение Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр) Год окончания: 2008 SMK Jalan Kolam Air |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: умеренные Мировоззрение: Religion means to 'unite' everybody. | Личные интересы Деятельность: AIESEC, Trade Aid, futebol, reading, music, gaming, martial arts, traveling, sleeping, messsing around with my mates etc Интересы: (Isnt it the same ac activities!? Duh!!!) AIESEC, Trade Aid, futebol, reading, music, gaming, martial arts, traveling, sleeping, messsing around with my mates etc Любимые фильмы: Action and comedy category Любимые телешоу: Natioanal Geographic, Discovery, Channel V, MTV, comedy, action series Любимые книги: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Plan B, Romance of The 3 Kingdoms etc Любимые игры: PS, PS2, Gamegearand some PC games О себе: About me? You expect this column is HUGE enough to tell you about me!? Intriguing! Well, what you have seen about me is just a piece of me, actually the same goes to many people, we only know a fraction of them, the tip of the ice berg about them! Любимые цитаты: 'You dont talk, just die!'
'Adun toledas!'
'... ...'
'Whenever you think that you can or cant, you are usually right.'
'If you can think of it, you will do it.'