Usagi Tsukino

Была в сети 20:47:53 21.11.2014 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 30 Июня
Пол: Женский
VK: id263741189
Личные интересы
О себе: Name Meaning: Rabbit of the Moon Birthday: 30 June Astrological Sign: Cancer Blood Type: O Family Members: Kenji (Magazine Editor), Ikuko (Dedicated Housewife), Shingo (Fifth Grade) Interests: Sleeping, Eating, video games, manga Favorite Colors: Pink, White Favorite Class: Home Economics Least Favorite Class: English, Math Favorite Foods: Ice Cream, Cake Least Favorite Food: Carrots Hopes To Go To: Chateau de Versailles Pet she wants to raise: A pure white rabbit Dislikes: Dentists, Ghosts, Lightning Motto: A sleeping child grows up! Favorite Stone: Diamond

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