Galaxia Estates

Был в сети 10:43:55 21.04.2015 с браузера
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Пол: Мужской
Город: Limassol
VK: id277228225
Личные интересы
О себе: Since our establishment in 1977, GALAXIA ESTATES AGENCIES Ltd is one of the fastest growing property developers and real estate agencies in Limassol,Cyprus Description Galaxia Properties Ltd thrives to offer a high quality of construction buildings in some of the most sought after areas of Cyprus and guarantee an absolute security with regard to your investment whether it is for permanent or holiday residence. Our properties are characterised by incomparable quality and unique location. Galaxia Properties Ltd is a family business and offers safe investment in Real Estate properties since 1977. We offer both completed and custom-made properties according to your needs. This includes all properties, therefore villas, houses, maisonettes, apartments and commercial. We pride ourselves on the strict attention we pay to quality in terms of construction materials and engineering techniques. We have our own project study department, architects, engineers and designers able to handle an entire project from planning stage to construction, even down to furnishing. We are also Licensed Real Estate Agents . Among the services we provide: Legal Advice - Viewing properties - Contracts of sale - After sales service - Property Management

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Анна RanlolaranНаталья ЛебедеваАлександра АтаеваMaxim KazakovЕкатерина ЗафироваРената ХафизоваОльга ЧумакВиктория ЕвскаяАртем ПетряковАлександр КовалевскийDELETED Сергей ДагдаСергей НемченкоЮлия ПоцелуеваНадежда СеткевичАнастасия СтепановаАнна ПетляковаAlexander KalinovychGeorgy ShchegolevJimmy ArzoumanidisЯрослава КушИвета КозловаМария ДоронинаЛариса СавченкоЗара КалоеваСтаврос КриаридисDELETED Эдуард ЧерненкоInessa SaridiПавел ВячеславовичBogdan StamovЕлена ДокироваЖеня ДаркPetros PanayiotouЕлена МакриВладислав КосмосПавел ДрузинАлина ЛомакинаМария Шихалева stylianovКлеантис АристидуМаринос ПротопапасМария АндриевскаяNina ZhilaMilena MoskvitinaИрина МаломужЛешка ЛисицынАнна АтманViktor TugulskiAndreas MichaelОксана Боева-РыбченкоДмитрий ЛеснойОлеся БударагинаКириакос МанМаша ХинкальEugeniu BezarauЯна БалуеваГалина ДаниловаАня ИлоноваЕлена РукасNicos PraxitelousAnna ArmbrusterКостя ГуровановMarisa AnastasiouИрина ВахромкинаElena KonstantinouAlyona SkobelskayaDELETED Dokacy CyprusPetar NikolovStavros ChadjimichailИнна ИгнатиуTatoo MasterДаша ДолговаИрина МавромматиWojtass GałaKevin SteckelNicolas MavrommatisНаталья МялкинаEric KaralambousGeorge PhilippouAntonis NikolaouPetros PanayiotouТаверна СкурувинносКсения ОрловаSavvas GeorgiouIosif SaridisDELETED Georgios NeophytouDemetris GeorgiouAndreas NeophytouGianiko ServiceVladislav KuksaНаталья НовиковаЕлена КурскаяDennis ImpressarioMarios AndreouAngelos AfxentiouДарья СухареваAnastasia GeorgiouЦенит ЕльMichael PanteliChris ChristoforouРома ЛеоновЯна БерсеневаBuildia ConNikita VlasovIrene EftychiouCypruss PropertyKiki PourikkouLefteris KourouyiannisDzavos-Group Cyprus

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