Denis Kwok

Был в сети 06:34:24 28.04.2018 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 3 Октября
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Daytona Beach
VK: id29088268
Факультет: embry riddle
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (магистр)
Год окончания: 2010
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: $$$
Личные интересы
Интересы: Scuba Diving, Flying, Photography, , Learning all geners of Sports Photography., , #!*#)$&!@#)*$ all freaking expensive interests
Любимые фильмы: Top Gun, , Meet Joe Black, , Romeo + Juliet, , A Few Good Men, , Thomas Crown Affair, , Jerry Maguire, , The Replacements, , Gattaca, , The LakeHouse, , City of Angels
Любимые телешоу: The Daily Show & The Colbert Report - Got to have my daily Mon-Thur Fix, , Sex and the City, , Iron Chef Japan, , Friends, , Dharma & Greg, , Desperate Housewives, , Scrubs, , Boston Legal, , Are you smarter than a 5th grader, , New Shows, , Fringe, , The Big Bang Theory, , Chuck, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, , Season 3 of Heroes was a disappointment, so that is coming off the list
Любимые книги: Chequebook... WITH UNLIMITED FUNDS!!!
О себе: When I go out to shoot a game/event, I want those great peak action moments, the ones with great content, and the ones with great emotion. I expect to get them. I get really mad when I don't. I'm greedy. I want it all and I expect to get it all. My goal is to combine a great moment, with great content and great emotion in a single picture in every image that I capture. Thus ThatsPhotography is born. ThatsPhotography - Inspired | Captured | Treasured Basically a Straight gay Guy or what they call the Metrosexual guy. I like to pamper myself and throughly enjoy my mani, pedi, facial and massage session that I receive oh so frequently at International Academy. oh and you should see my collection I have in my bathroom I'm now a Intro to Cave + Advanced Nitrox and a Dive Control Specialist. Waiting for my Stage Decompression now Next up, Open Water Instructor, Extended Range and Full Cave, Sigh.. more classes... less $$$ I really believe that US of A is the land of dreams, well at least for my dreams, where i can have a hangar instead of a garage and a taxiway instead of a driveway right by my house and a boat and a plane and all the diving I can do in Florida, that is my dreams and each and everyday, these are what feeds me to work harder and harder, no matter how shitty my life seems now
Любимые цитаты:
It's not bragging if you can back it up - Muhammad Ali Photography is ultimately not about how good of a photograph you make as a photographer — it is about sharing a moment in time, or of someone else's life, with others. - Vincent Laforet A good photographer does not make a good photo editor, but a bad photographer makes a "good" photo editor, and all you see are crappy images. Its not how many times you get knocked down that matters its how many times you get back up . From someone using a 1DMIII telling me at an air show I was shooting, " We've got to spray and pray" Kissing a girl on her cheek is a big deal. Kissing her lips is an even bigger deal. Seeing her naked for the first time is a MAJOR, life-altering event. The general rule for flash photography is that you want the flash to go off while the shutter is open. ~ My friends at my photography forum Life doesn't need an easy button, it needs an undo button. ~ My friends at my photography forum I know they are soft.... I know I back focused... I know they are noisy..... I know they aren't exposed properly... I know they need more contrast. Other than that how do you like the ~ My friends at my photography forum In life as in golf, it is the follow through that makes the difference. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, that experience usually comes from a bad judgment. Listen to me, while it lasted, she was more real to me than that, she was more real to me than anything else. I saw her, I kissed her, I loved her and now she's gone, she's gone - The Lakehouse Please don't go, just wait, please, don't look for me, don't try to find me. I love you and it's taken me all this time to say it but I love you. And if you still care for me, wait for me, wait with me, just wait, wait. Wait 2 years, come to the Lake House, I'm here. - The Lakehouse I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One. - City of Angels Women need to hear the 3 Special words, those 3 words are "Let It Go" During the space race, they needed to write down shit, take notes, etc, while they are in space, but since there was no pen that can write in zero gravity, America spent 30 million to develop a pen that can write in zero gravity, AND THE RUSSIANS, THEY JUST USED A PENCIL - Carlos Mencia "Time will tell that it is a mistake to replace the F-14 Tomcat with the F-18 Super Hornet as the carriers first line of defense" - Me "Same shit, different day" - Me "Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, and Glory lasts forever" - The Replacements "Live life the way you want it" "The next time you think you're having a bad day, imagine yourself as a Siamese twin, attached at the shoulder. Your Siamese brother is gay, but you only have the one ass...." "I think I am, therefore I am.... I think" If it's cheap and can be found at a hardware store, it's probably on a Civic near you.

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