Mostafa Topalex

Был в сети 07:02:39 18.02.2014 с браузера
same same but different !!
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 1 Февраля 1988
Пол: Мужской
Город: Alexandria
Skype: Djtopforall
VK: djtopalex
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Mostafa Mahmoud aka Topalex DJ / Producers hey thats me Topalex first i'm gonna till you about my story name is Dj topalex i'm not the top of alexandria no i was just short when i start working as a dj 2005 and all people they sead mostafa top cuz i was short :) and then i come to sina and i see all the people they sead topalex from alexandria its big story and funy as wall i know but i like it but i want say this for everyone know me, i born in Feb, 1-1990 in Suez Canal and raised up in Alexandria when i was have 3 years old, Mostafa TopAlex starts as a dancer when he was 13 years old, start to learn to perform behind the decks when he was 15 by his DJ friends. and started to play different kinds of music like Hip hop, Old school and House. and about now Mostafa Topalex music style is ranged between Electro, Deep Funky house, Tribal house & Progressive house, , , First time to perform for auditions was in 2005: Ocean blue Marina 5 Resident DJ, Karma Resident DJ and then 2006: Oxygen Beach Resident DJ Agmy Alexandria, Bronzaje Club Resident DJ, Summer Moon Guest DJ, 2007: Private Parties and Fashion Shows, Cisar Club Resident DJ 2008: Fever Club Dahab Resident DJ, Tree Bar Dahab Resident DJ, Lapest Club Agmy Alexandria Guest DJ, 2009: Resident DJ, Tree Bar Resident DJ, and Nile FM Guset Dj and Terrazzina Beach Sharm El Sheikh Guest DJ, 2010: Dj Topalex, he is one of the top50 Dj's in middle east and he is also one of the dj's team in shine TV Moscow, Tree bar Resident DJ Shows: Funk Tuesdays @ The Tree Bar Dahab Ladies Night Every Thursday @ The Tree Bar Dahab Live @ Every Friday From 8:00pm (cairo local ) 6:00pm ( GMT ), Love2dance Every Saturday @ The Tree Bar Dahab
Интересы: .....:::: Recording :::::....... Dj Topalex @ December, 4 09 .. was with Sarah mian and punk rolla Dj Topalex Live @ nov 7 - 09 .. was with Dj nifra and Marco salva mix 5th of September .... Dr.k Vs. Nii With Topalex Live @ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Funky Tuesday's @ The Tree Bar [ Dahab ] 1 / 11 / 2008 ?- Funky Tuesday's @ The Tree Bar [ Dahab ] 1 / 12 / 2008 ?- 20 - 12 - 2008 mix 2009 Live @ The Tree Bar ?- Dj Topalex Live @ Nile FM Cairo 104, 2 Dj_Top_Alex_Progressive_House_Music_May 1, 2009 ?- Dj_Top_Alex_Mix_For_My_Birthday_May 14, 2009 ?- Back 2 Back - Sheriff LF Vs. TopAlex (June 2009) Live2 @ The Tree Bar [ Dahab ] ?-

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