Vera Chang

Была в сети 09:20:24 18.08.2015 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Город: Guangzhou
VK: id296168032
Личные интересы
Деятельность: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
Интересы: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
Любимые фильмы: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
Любимые телешоу: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
Любимые книги: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
Любимые игры: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at, thanks !
О себе: We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old , below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old , around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month , and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at , thanks !
Любимые цитаты:
We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old , below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old , around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month , and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at , thanks !

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Ярослава БорисоваTanya YouhrКсения МалиноваГалина СысенкоДмитрий БурковMedeya MedeyaЯна ХанинаИрусик )))Виктор АлексеевТатьяна СрибнаяBra LightingМаргарита ВетроваНиколай КудисовЖеня ФроловаАлексей СветильниковДарина ДимарЕлена АндреевнаAntonina PavlyukUsa ExpressΑнатолий ΚошелевЛера ИссаеваВладимир ОнищенкоАлександра ВасечкинаAdriana LimaСтанислав АгаповЗорислав БурханенкоВасилий ПотолковWang WangНаталья МозерАлександр СтаровойтовСвет-И-Звук ЧелябинскЕвгения СергееваMari CatalaniPazniak NadezhdaМихаил СтроительEva ZhangЛюбовь ЮрченкоСветослав ДиодычЕвгений ЛыткинDELETED Ангелина АлмазоваСвет-И ОчагAlexandra GoraevaЗеленый СветИван ПетровичАлина КондратьеваДмитрий ВараваΑлександр ΑвдеевИрина ЛюстроваОгни СтолицыЕлена РозумНова СтеляБрадислава АндрееваВладимир ΜеркушевАлександра ВешневскаяАвто СветСвітло Вашого-ДомуАнна ИвановаНаталья ИвановаАрина ГригорьеваМарина ЛюбимоваΜаксим ΜедведевМихаил СветловУфимский СветКрасивый-Мощный Авто-СветНовый СветСергей ИвановЕлена НикишоваНатяжные ПотолкиВенский-Свет КраснодарІванна ШмалійАлина СмирноваДротик СвітлоЛика НикаАндрей СветловАнгелина Романовская延锟 冮Смальта СветСветоч ИлюминатиРуслан АлановЕвро СветСвет ИнновацийМира СчастливаяСвет По-ВенскиКарина СкоробрукСергей ШевченкоМаша ТкаченкоЮлия ПоляковаМистер СветСвет ДиодовИрина ГорбачёваСвітло БудОсвітлення ФранківськЭнергосбережение-И СветАндрей Свет-НнСвет ЛюстраΕвгений ΚошелевЛунный СветНовый СветVicky Wright

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