Евгений Савенко

Был в сети 17:57:45 10.11.2015 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 16 Февраля
Пол: Мужской
Город: Санкт-Петербург
VK: id298091377
Место учёбы: СПбГУ
Колледж: Авиационно-транспортный колледж Гражданской авиации (СПАТКГА, ЛАТУГА) класс "а"
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: коммунистические
Мировоззрение: Светский гуманизм
Главное в людях: смелость и упорство
Главное в жизни: саморазвитие
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: резко негативное
Вдохновляют: Steve Jobs
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: 12 Angry Men
Любимые цитаты:
Being free, being truly free consists of not being bound by the opinions that others choose to display in regards to the decisions that one chooses to make on a daily weekly, or lifetime basis. In order to be free we have to be willing to think for ourselves, learn for our selves, and to live our lives as our real true selves. Being free is when you are able to stand up and speak in public spewing your beliefs not caring what anyone else will think of them. Being free is when you are able to go against the grain, when you are able to make a left when everyone else is going right, and not worry about why everyone is talking about you, or looking at you in a manner that is unfavorable, and with faces that blatantly say that they don't approve of your choices. One of the greatest challenges is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else.

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